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SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED 10) GNOME User Guide
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12.1 Managing Your Library

You can use the library to do a variety of things, including playing, organizing, and importing music. You can also view a variety of information about your music collection, including playback statistics (when a song was last played and how many times).

12.1.1 Playing Your Music

To play a song, simply select the song in the library and click the Play button (Banshee play button).

Use the buttons on the upper left corner (Banshee playback buttons) to pause a song or play the next or previous song. Use Banshee volume button to adjust the volume. You can also use the items on the Playback menu to repeat or shuffle songs.

Helix Banshee also has an integrated CD player. When you insert a music CD, your CD title appears in the left panel. Select the title and click the Play button to play your full CD.

12.1.2 Organizing Your Music

To create a new playlist, click Music New Playlist (or press Ctrl+N). A new playlist is displayed in the left panel. Double-click New Playlist and enter the name you want. You can drag and drop songs from one playlist to another, or use the options on the Edit menu to remove or delete songs and rename or delete playlists.

You can edit the name of the artist, album, and title, as well as the track number and track count. Simply select a song, then click Edit > Edit Song Metadata. If you want to set all fields in a set to the same value, select multiple songs in a playlist, then click Edit > Edit Song Metadata.

Figure 12-3 Editing Song Dialog Box

12.1.3 Importing Music

Helix Banshee can import music from a file, folder, or CD. Click Music > Import Music, choose an import source, then click Import Music Source.

To rip music from a CD to your music collection, click the Rip button near the top right.

SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED 10) GNOME User Guide
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  Published Courtesy of Novell, Inc. Design by Interspire