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Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 Essentials Book now available.

Purchase a copy of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 (RHEL 9) Essentials

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 Essentials Print and eBook (PDF) editions contain 34 chapters and 298 pages

Preview Book Commands

This section explains and gives examples of some of the commands used for Openswan.


As shown in the following example, using service ipsec start/stop is the recommended method of changing the state of the ipsec service. This is also the recommended technique for starting and stopping all other services in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.
  • Starting and Stopping Openswan:
    • ipsec setup start/stop
    • service ipsec start/stop
  • Adding/deleting a connection:
    • ipsec auto --add/delete <connection name>
  • Connection establishment/breaking:
    • ipsec auto --up/down <connection-name>
  • Generating RSA keys:
    • ipsec newhostkey --configdir /etc/ipsec.d --password password --output /etc/ipsec.d/<name-of-file>
  • Checking ipsec policies in Kernel:
    • ip xfrm policy
    • ip xfrm state
  • Creating self-signed certificate:
    • certutil -S -k rsa -n <ca-cert-nickname> -s "CN=ca-cert-common-name" -w 12 -t "C,C,C" -x -d /etc/ipsec.d
  • Creating user certificate signed by the previous CA:
    • certutil -S -k rsa -c <ca-cert-nickname> -n <user-cert-nickname> -s "CN=user-cert-common-name" -w 12 -t "u,u,u" -d /etc/ipsec.d

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