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Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 Essentials Book now available.

Purchase a copy of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 (RHEL 9) Essentials

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 Essentials Print and eBook (PDF) editions contain 34 chapters and 298 pages

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Part VII. Troubleshooting

Introduction to Troubleshooting and Problem Solving

The following chapters provide information to assist you in troubleshooting issues you may encounter using Red Hat Virtualization.

Important note on virtualization issues

Your particular problem may not appear in this book due to ongoing development which creates and fixes bugs. For the most up to date list of known bugs, issues and bug fixes read the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Release Notes for your version and hardware architecture. The Release Notes can be found in the documentation section of the Red Hat website,

If all else fails...

If you cannot find a fix to your problem after reading this guide and it is not a known issue, file a bug using Red Hat's Bugzilla. To create a new bug, go to and select Red Hat Enterprise Linux and then fill out the form.

Table of Contents

27. Troubleshooting Red Hat Virtualization
27.1. Debugging and troubleshooting Red Hat Virtualization
27.2. Log files overview
27.3. Log file descriptions
27.4. Important directory locations
27.5. Troubleshooting with the logs
27.6. Troubleshooting with the serial console
27.7. Para-virtualized guest console access
27.8. Fully virtualized guest console access
27.9. Accessing data on guest disk image
27.10. Common troubleshooting situations
27.11. Guest creation errors
27.12. Troubleshooting with serial consoles
27.12.1. Serial console output for the hypervisor(domain0)
27.12.2. Serial console output from para-virtualized guests
27.12.3. Serial console output from fully virtualized guests
27.13. Guest configuration files
27.14. Interpreting error messages
27.15. The layout of the log directories
28. Troubleshooting
28.1. Identifying available storage and partitions
28.2. Virtualized ethernet devices are not found by networking tools
28.3. Loop device errors
28.4. Failed domain creation caused by a memory shortage
28.5. Wrong kernel image error - using a non kernel-xen kernel in a para-virtualized guest
28.6. Wrong kernel image error - non-PAE kernel on a PAE platform
28.7. Fully-virtualized 64 git guest fails to boot
28.8. Missing localhost entry in /etc/hosts causing virt-manager to fail
28.9. Microcode error during guest boot
28.10. Wrong bridge configured on the guest causing hot plug script timeouts
28.11. Python depreciation warning messages when starting a virtual machine
28.12. Enabling Intel VT and AMD-V virtualization hardware extensions in BIOS
29. Troubleshooting Para-virtualized Drivers
29.1. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Virtualization log file and directories
29.2. Para-virtualized guest fail to load on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 guest operating system
29.3. A warning message is displayed while installing the para-virtualized drivers on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3
29.4. What to do if the guest operating system has been booted with virt-manager or virsh
29.5. Manually loading the para-virtualized drivers
29.6. Verifying the para-virtualized drivers have successfully loaded
29.7. The system has limited throughput with para-virtualized drivers

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