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Chapter 4. Workstation Security

Securing a Linux environment begins with the workstation. Whether locking down a personal machine or securing an enterprise system, sound security policy begins with the individual computer. After all, a computer network is only as secure as its weakest node.

4.1. Evaluating Workstation Security

When evaluating the security of a Red Hat Enterprise Linux workstation, consider the following:

  • BIOS and Boot Loader Security — Can an unauthorized user physically access the machine and boot into single user or rescue mode without a password?

  • Password Security — How secure are the user account passwords on the machine?

  • Administrative Controls — Who has an account on the system and how much administrative control do they have?

  • Available Network Services — What services are listening for requests from the network and should they be running at all?

  • Personal Firewalls — What type of firewall, if any, is necessary?

  • Security Enhanced Communication Tools — Which tools should be used to communicate between workstations and which should be avoided?

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