GRUB is the default boot loader for Red Hat Enterprise Linux. If you do not want to
install a boot loader, select Do not install a boot
loader. If you choose not to install a boot loader, make sure
you create a boot diskette or have another way to boot your system, such
as a third-party boot loader.
You must choose where to install the boot loader (the Master Boot
Record or the first sector of the /boot
partition). Install the boot loader on the MBR if you plan to use it as
your boot loader.
To pass any special parameters to the kernel to be used when the system
boots, enter them in the Kernel parameters text
field. For example, if you have an IDE CD-ROM Writer, you can tell the
kernel to use the SCSI emulation driver that must be loaded before using
cdrecord by configuring
hdd=ide-scsi as a kernel parameter (where
hdd is the CD-ROM device).
You can password protect the GRUB boot loader by configuring a GRUB
password. Select Use GRUB password, and enter a
password in the Password field. Type the same
password in the Confirm Password text field. To
save the password as an encrypted password in the file, select
Encrypt GRUB password. If the encryption option is
selected, when the file is saved, the plain text password that you typed
are encrypted and written to the kickstart file. If type an already
encrypted password, unselect to encrypt it.
If Upgrade an existing installation is selected on
the Installation Method page, select
Upgrade existing boot loader to upgrade the
existing boot loader configuration, while preserving the old entries.