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Version Control with Subversion
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Version Control with Subversion - Client Interoperability

Client Interoperability

All WebDAV clients fall into one of three categories—standalone applications, file-explorer extensions, or filesystem implementations. These categories broadly define the types of WebDAV functionality available to users. Table B.1, “Common WebDAV Clients” gives our categorization and a quick description of some common pieces of WebDAV-enabled software. More details about these software offerings, as well as their general category, can be found in the sections that follow.

Table B.1. Common WebDAV Clients

Software Category Description
Adobe Photoshop Standalone WebDAV applications Image editing software, allowing direct opening from, and writing to, WebDAV URLs
Cadaver Standalone WebDAV applications Command-line WebDAV client supporting file transfer, tree, and locking operations
DAV Explorer Standalone WebDAV applications GUI tool for exploring WebDAV shares
davfs2 WebDAV filesystem implementation Linux file system driver that allows you to mount a WebDAV share
GNOME Nautilus File-explorer WebDAV extensions GUI file explorer able to perform tree operations on a WebDAV share
KDE Konqueror File-explorer WebDAV extensions GUI file explorer able to perform tree operations on a WebDAV share
Mac OS X WebDAV filesystem implementation Operating system with built-in support for mounting WebDAV shares locally
Macromedia Dreamweaver Standalone WebDAV applications Web production software able to directly read from and write to WebDAV URLs
Microsoft Office Standalone WebDAV applications Office productivity suite with several components able to directly read from and write to WebDAV URLs
Microsoft Web Folders File-explorer WebDAV extensions GUI file explorer program able to perform tree operations on a WebDAV share
Novell NetDrive WebDAV filesystem implementation Drive-mapping program for assigning Windows drive letters to a mounted remote WebDAV share
SRT WebDrive WebDAV filesystem implementation File transfer software which, among other things, allows the assignment of Windows drive letters to a mounted remote WebDAV share

Standalone WebDAV applications

A WebDAV application is a program which contains built-in functionality for speaking WebDAV protocols with a WebDAV server. We'll cover some of the most popular programs with this kind of WebDAV support.

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Version Control with Subversion
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