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Version Control with Subversion
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Version Control with Subversion - Basic Work Cycle -

svn revert

Now suppose you see the above diff output, and realize that your changes to README are a mistake; perhaps you accidentally typed that text into the wrong file in your editor.

This is a perfect opportunity to use svn revert .

$ svn revert README
Reverted 'README'

Subversion reverts the file to its pre-modified state by overwriting it with the cached “pristine” copy from the .svn area. But also note that svn revert can undo any scheduled operations—for example, you might decide that you don't want to add a new file after all:

$ svn status foo
?      foo

$ svn add foo
A         foo

$ svn revert foo
Reverted 'foo'

$ svn status foo
?      foo


svn revert ITEM has exactly the same effect as deleting ITEM from your working copy and then running svn update -r BASE ITEM . However, if you're reverting a file, svn revert has one very noticeable difference—it doesn't have to communicate with the repository to restore your file.

Or perhaps you mistakenly removed a file from version control:

$ svn status README 

$ svn delete README 
D         README

$ svn revert README
Reverted 'README'

$ svn status README

[an error occurred while processing this directive]
Version Control with Subversion
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