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Version Control with Subversion
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Version Control with Subversion - svnserve, a custom server - Controlling the invoked command

Controlling the invoked command

Because we can specify the executed server-side command, it's easy to name a specific svnserve binary to run and to pass it extra arguments:

  command="/path/to/svnserve -t -r /virtual/root" TYPE KEY COMMENT

In this example, /path/to/svnserve might be a custom wrapper script around svnserve which sets the umask (see the section called “Supporting Multiple Repository Access Methods”). It also shows how to anchor svnserve in a virtual root directory, just as one often does when running svnserve as a daemon process. This might be done either to restrict access to parts of the system, or simply to relieve the user of having to type an absolute path in the svn+ssh:// URL.

It's also possible to have multiple users share a single account. Instead of creating a separate system account for each user, generate a public/private keypair for each person. Then place each public key into the authorized_users file, one per line, and use the --tunnel-user option:

  command="svnserve -t --tunnel-user=harry" TYPE1 KEY1 [email protected]
  command="svnserve -t --tunnel-user=sally" TYPE2 KEY2 [email protected]

This example allows both Harry and Sally to connect to the same account via public-key authentication. Each of them has a custom command that will be executed; the --tunnel-user option tells svnserve -t to assume that the named argument is the authenticated user. Without --tunnel-user, it would appear as though all commits were coming from the one shared system account.

A final word of caution: giving a user access to the server via public-key in a shared account might still allow other forms of SSH access, even if you've set the command value in authorized_keys. For example, the user may still get shell access through SSH, or be able to perform X11 or general port-forwarding through your server. To give the user as little permission as possible, you may want to specify a number of restrictive options immediately after the command:

  command="svnserve -t --tunnel-user=harry",no-port-forwarding,\
           no-agent-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-pty \
           TYPE1 KEY1 [email protected]

[24] See RFC 2195.

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Version Control with Subversion
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