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Version Control with Subversion
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Version Control with Subversion - Chapter 5. Repository Administration - Berkeley DB

Berkeley DB

When the initial design phase of Subversion was in progress, the developers decided to use Berkeley DB for a variety of reasons, including its open-source license, transaction support, reliability, performance, API simplicity, thread-safety, support for cursors, and so on.

Berkeley DB provides real transaction support—perhaps its most powerful feature. Multiple processes accessing your Subversion repositories don't have to worry about accidentally clobbering each other's data. The isolation provided by the transaction system is such that for any given operation, the Subversion repository code sees a static view of the database—not a database that is constantly changing at the hand of some other process—and can make decisions based on that view. If the decision made happens to conflict with what another process is doing, the entire operation is rolled back as if it never happened, and Subversion gracefully retries the operation against a new, updated (and yet still static) view of the database.

Another great feature of Berkeley DB is hot backups—the ability to backup the database environment without taking it “offline”. We'll discuss how to backup your repository in the section called “Repository Backup”, but the benefits of being able to make fully functional copies of your repositories without any downtime should be obvious.

Berkeley DB is also a very reliable database system. Subversion uses Berkeley DB's logging facilities, which means that the database first writes to on-disk log files a description of any modifications it is about to make, and then makes the modification itself. This is to ensure that if anything goes wrong, the database system can back up to a previous checkpoint—a location in the log files known not to be corrupt—and replay transactions until the data is restored to a usable state. See the section called “Managing Disk Space” for more about Berkeley DB log files.

But every rose has its thorn, and so we must note some known limitations of Berkeley DB. First, Berkeley DB environments are not portable. You cannot simply copy a Subversion repository that was created on a Unix system onto a Windows system and expect it to work. While much of the Berkeley DB database format is architecture independent, there are other aspects of the environment that are not. Secondly, Subversion uses Berkeley DB in a way that will not operate on Windows 95/98 systems—if you need to house a repository on a Windows machine, stick with Windows 2000 or Windows XP. Also, you should never keep a Berkeley DB repository on a network share. While Berkeley DB promises to behave correctly on network shares that meet a particular set of specifications, almost no known shares actually meet all those specifications.

Finally, because Berkeley DB is a library linked directly into Subversion, it's more sensitive to interruptions than a typical relational database system. Most SQL systems, for example, have a dedicated server process that mediates all access to tables. If a program accessing the database crashes for some reason, the database daemon notices the lost connection and cleans up any mess left behind. And because the database daemon is the only process accessing the tables, applications don't need to worry about permission conflicts. These things are not the case with Berkeley DB, however. Subversion (and programs using Subversion libraries) access the database tables directly, which means that a program crash can leave the database in a temporarily inconsistent, inaccessible state. When this happens, an administrator needs to ask Berkeley DB to restore to a checkpoint, which is a bit of an annoyance. Other things can cause a repository to “wedge” besides crashed processes, such as programs conflicting over ownership and permissions on the database files. So while a Berkeley DB repository is quite fast and scalable, it's best used by a single server process running as one user—such as Apache's httpd or svnserve (see Chapter 6, Server Configuration )—rather than accessing it as many different users via file:/// or svn+ssh:// URLs. If using a Berkeley DB repository directly as multiple users, be sure to read the section called “Supporting Multiple Repository Access Methods”.

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Version Control with Subversion
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