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Version Control with Subversion
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Version Control with Subversion - Chapter 5. Repository Administration - Unversioned Properties

Unversioned Properties

Transactions and revisions in the Subversion repository can have properties attached to them. These properties are generic key-to-value mappings, and are generally used to store information about the tree to which they are attached. The names and values of these properties are stored in the repository's filesystem, along with the rest of your tree data.

Revision and transaction properties are useful for associating information with a tree that is not strictly related to the files and directories in that tree—the kind of information that isn't managed by client working copies. For example, when a new commit transaction is created in the repository, Subversion adds a property to that transaction named svn:date—a datestamp representing the time that the transaction was created. By the time the commit process is finished, and the transaction is promoted to a permanent revision, the tree has also been given a property to store the username of the revision's author (svn:author) and a property to store the log message attached to that revision (svn:log).

Revision and transaction properties are unversioned properties—as they are modified, their previous values are permanently discarded. Also, while revision trees themselves are immutable, the properties attached to those trees are not. You can add, remove, and modify revision properties at any time in the future. If you commit a new revision and later realize that you had some misinformation or spelling error in your log message, you can simply replace the value of the svn:log property with a new, corrected log message.

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Version Control with Subversion
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