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Version Control with Subversion
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Version Control with Subversion - svnlook


svnlook is a command-line utility for examining different aspects of a Subversion repository. It does not make any changes to the repository—it's just used for “peeking”. svnlook is typically used by the repository hooks, but a repository administrator might find it useful for diagnostic purposes.

Since svnlook works via direct repository access (and thus can only be used on the machine that holds the repository), it refers to the repository with a path, not a URL.

If no revision or transaction is specified, svnlook defaults to the youngest (most recent) revision of the repository.

svnlook Switches

Switches in svnlook are global, just like in svn and svnadmin ; however, most switches only apply to one subcommand since the functionality of svnlook is (intentionally) limited in scope.


Prevents svnlook from printing differences for deleted files. The default behavior when a file is deleted in a transaction/revision is to print the same differences that you would see if you had left the file but removed all the content.

--revision (-r)

Specify a particular revision number that you wish to examine.


Operates on a revision property instead of a Subversion property specific to a file or directory. This switch requires that you also pass a revision with the --revision (-r) switch. See the section called “Unversioned Properties” for more details on unversioned properties.

--transaction (-t)

Specify a particular transaction ID that you wish to examine.


Show the filesystem node revision IDs for each path in the filesystem tree.

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Version Control with Subversion
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