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Version Control with Subversion
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Version Control with Subversion - svnadmin


svnadmin is the administrative tool for monitoring and repairing your Subversion repository. For detailed information, see the section called “svnadmin”.

Since svnadmin works via direct repository access (and thus can only be used on the machine that holds the repository), it refers to the repository with a path, not a URL.

svnadmin Switches


(Berkeley DB specific) Disable automatic log removal of database log files.


(Berkeley DB specific) Disables fsync when committing database transactions.


Bypass the repository hook system.


Removes unused Berkeley DB logs.


By default, when loading data into repository that already contains revisions, svnadmin will ignore the UUID from the dump stream. This switch will cause the repository's UUID to be set to the UUID from the stream.


By default, when loading an empty repository, svnadmin will use the UUID from the dump stream. This switch will cause that UUID to be ignored.


Dump a revision only as a diff against the previous revision, instead of the usual fulltext.

--parent-dir DIR

When loading a dump file, root paths at DIR instead of /.

--revision (-r) ARG

Specify a particular revision to operate on.


Do not show normal progress—show only errors.


When loading a dump file, run the repository's post-commit hook after finalizing each newly loaded revision.


When loading a dump file, run the repository's pre-commit hook before finalizing each newly loaded revision. If the hook fails, abort the commit and terminate the load process.

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Version Control with Subversion
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