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Version Control with Subversion
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Version Control with Subversion - svnadmin recover


svnadmin recover — Bring a repository database back into a consistent state (applies only to repositories using the bdb backend). In addition, if repos/conf/passwd does not exist, it will create a default password file .


svnadmin recover REPOS_PATH


Run this command if you get an error indicating that your repository needs to be recovered.




Recover a hung repository:

$ svnadmin recover /usr/local/svn/repos/ 
Repository lock acquired.
Please wait; recovering the repository may take some time...

Recovery completed.
The latest repos revision is 34.

Recovering the database requires an exclusive lock on the repository. If another process is accessing the repository, then svnadmin recover will error:

$ svnadmin recover /usr/local/svn/repos
svn: Failed to get exclusive repository access; perhaps another process
such as httpd, svnserve or svn has it open?


The --wait option, however, will cause svnadmin recover to wait indefinitely for other processes to disconnect:

$ svnadmin recover /usr/local/svn/repos --wait
Waiting on repository lock; perhaps another process has it open?

### time goes by...

Repository lock acquired.
Please wait; recovering the repository may take some time...

Recovery completed.
The latest repos revision is 34.

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Version Control with Subversion
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