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Version Control with Subversion
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Version Control with Subversion - mod_dav_svn Configuration Directives


mod_dav_svn Configuration Directives — Apache configuration directives for serving Subversion repositories through Apache HTTP Server.


This section briefly describes each of the Subversion Apache configuration directives. For an in-depth description of configuring Apache with Subversion, see the section called “httpd, the Apache HTTP server”.)


DAV svn

This directive must be included in any Directory or Location block for a Subversion repository. It tells httpd to use the Subversion backend for mod_dav to handle all requests.

SVNAutoversioning On

This directive allows write requests from WebDAV clients to result in automatic commits. A generic log message is auto-generated and attached to each revision. If you enable Autoversioning, you'll likely want to set ModMimeUsePathInfo On so that mod_mime can set svn:mime-type to the correct mime-type automatically (as best as mod_mime is able to, of course). For more information, see Appendix B, WebDAV and Autoversioning


This directive specifies the location in the filesystem for a Subversion repository's files. In a configuration block for a Subversion repository, either this directive or SVNParentPath must be present, but not both.


Specifies the URI component (namespace) for special Subversion resources. The default is “ !svn ”, and most administrators will never use this directive. Only set this if there is a pressing need to have a file named !svn in your repository. If you change this on a server already in use, it will break all of the outstanding working copies and your users will hunt you down with pitchforks and flaming torches.


Specifies the name of a Subversion repository for use in HTTP GET requests. This value will be prepended to the title of all directory listings (which are served when you navigate to a Subversion repository with a web browser). This directive is optional.


Specifies the URI of an XSL transformation for directory indexes. This directive is optional.


Specifies the location in the filesystem of a parent directory whose child directories are Subversion repositories. In a configuration block for a Subversion repository, either this directive or SVNPath must be present, but not both.


Control path-based authorization by enabling or disabling subrequests. See the section called “Disabling Path-based Checks” for details.

[an error occurred while processing this directive]
Version Control with Subversion
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