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Version Control with Subversion
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Version Control with Subversion - Acknowledgments - From C. Michael Pilato

From C. Michael Pilato

Special thanks to my wife, Amy, for her love and patient support, for putting up with late nights, and for even reviewing entire sections of this book—you always go the extra mile, and do so with incredible grace. Gavin, when you're old enough to read, I hope you're as proud of your Daddy as he is of you. Mom and Dad (and the rest of the family), thanks for your constant support and enthusiasm.

Hats off to Shep Kendall, through whom the world of computers was first opened to me; Ben Collins-Sussman, my tour-guide through the open-source world; Karl Fogel—you are my .emacs; Greg Stein, for oozing practical programming know-how; Brian Fitzpatrick—for sharing this writing experience with me. To the many folks from whom I am constantly picking up new knowledge—keep dropping it!

Finally, to the One who perfectly demonstrates creative excellence—thank you.

[1] Oh, and thanks, Karl, for being too overworked to write this book yourself.

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Version Control with Subversion
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