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Version Control with Subversion
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Version Control with Subversion - Copying Changes Between Branches - The Key Concept Behind Merging

The Key Concept Behind Merging

You've now seen an example of the svn merge command, and you're about to see several more. If you're feeling confused about exactly how merging works, you're not alone. Many users (especially those new to version control) are initially perplexed about the proper syntax of the command, and about how and when the feature should be used. But fear not, this command is actually much simpler than you think! There's a very easy technique for understanding exactly how svn merge behaves.

The main source of confusion is the name of the command. The term “merge” somehow denotes that branches are combined together, or that there's some sort of mysterious blending of data going on. That's not the case. A better name for the command might have been svn diff-and-apply , because that's all that happens: two repository trees are compared, and the differences are applied to a working copy.

The command takes three arguments:

  1. An initial repository tree (often called the left side of the comparison),

  2. An final repository tree (often called the right side of the comparison),

  3. A working copy to accept the differences as local changes (often called the target of the merge).

Once these three arguments are specified, the two trees are compared, and the resulting differences are applied to the target working copy as local modifications. When the command is done, the results are no different than if you had hand-edited the files, or run various svn add or svn delete commands yourself. If you like the results, you can commit them. If you don't like the results, you can simply svn revert all of the changes.

The syntax of svn merge allows you to specify the three necessary arguments rather flexibly. Here are some examples:

$ svn merge \
$ svn merge -r 100:200 my-working-copy

$ svn merge -r 100:200

The first syntax lays out all three arguments explicitly, naming each tree in the form URL@REV and naming the working copy target. The second syntax can be used as a shorthand for situations when you're comparing two different revisions of the same URL. The last syntax shows how the working-copy argument is optional; if omitted, it defaults to the current directory.

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Version Control with Subversion
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