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Version Control with Subversion
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Version Control with Subversion - Subversion Repository URLs

Subversion Repository URLs

As illustrated throughout this book, Subversion uses URLs to identify versioned resources in Subversion repositories. For the most part, these URLs use the standard syntax, allowing for server names and port numbers to be specified as part of the URL:

$ svn checkout

But there are some nuances in Subversion's handling of URLs that are notable. For example, URLs containing the file: access method (used for local repositories) must, in accordance with convention, have either a server name of localhost or no server name at all:

$ svn checkout file:///path/to/repos
$ svn checkout file://localhost/path/to/repos

Also, users of the file: scheme on Windows platforms will need to use an unofficially “standard” syntax for accessing repositories that are on the same machine, but on a different drive than the client's current working drive. Either of the two following URL path syntaxes will work where X is the drive on which the repository resides:

C:\> svn checkout file:///X:/path/to/repos
C:\> svn checkout "file:///X|/path/to/repos"

In the second syntax, you need to quote the URL so that the vertical bar character is not interpreted as a pipe. Also, note that a URL uses ordinary slashes even though the native (non-URL) form of a path on Windows uses backslashes.

Finally, it should be noted that the Subversion client will automatically encode URLs as necessary, just like a web browser does. For example, if a URL contains a space or upper-ASCII character:

$ svn checkout "https://host/path with space/project/españa"

…then Subversion will escape the unsafe characters and behave as if you had typed:

$ svn checkout https://host/path%20with%20space/project/espa%C3%B1a

If the URL contains spaces, be sure to place it within quote marks, so that your shell treats the whole thing as a single argument to the svn program.

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Version Control with Subversion
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