A Formatter is a way to insert a formatting operation into a Handler’s processing steps. If you register a Formatter object with a Handler, then before the LogRecord is published by the Handler, it is first sent to the Formatter. After formatting, the LogRecord is returned to the Handler, which then publishes it.
To write a custom Formatter, extend the Formatter class and override format(LogRecord record). Then, register the Formatter with the Handler by using the setFormatter( ) call, as seen here:
import com.bruceeckel.simpletest.*;
import java.util.logging.*;
import java.util.*;
public class SimpleFormatterExample {
private static Test monitor = new Test();
private static Logger logger =
private static void logMessages() {"Line One");"Line Two");
public static void main(String[] args) {
Handler conHdlr = new ConsoleHandler();
conHdlr.setFormatter(new Formatter() {
public String format(LogRecord record) {
return record.getLevel() + " : "
+ record.getSourceClassName() + " -:- "
+ record.getSourceMethodName() + " -:- "
+ record.getMessage() + "\n";
monitor.expect(new String[] {
"INFO : SimpleFormatterExample -:- logMessages "
+ "-:- Line One",
"INFO : SimpleFormatterExample -:- logMessages "
+ "-:- Line Two"
} ///:~
Remember that a logger like myLogger has a default handler that it gets from the parent logger (the root logger, in this case). Here, we are turning off the default handler by calling setUseParentHandlers(false), and then adding in a console handler to use instead. The new Formatter is created as an anonymous inner class in the setFormatter( ) statement. The overridden format( ) statement simply extracts some of the information from the LogRecord and formats it into a string.