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Thinking in Java
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What is a JavaBean?

After the dust settles, then, a component is really just a block of code, typically embodied in a class. The key issue is the ability for the application builder tool to discover the properties and events for that component. To create a VB component, the programmer had to write a fairly complicated piece of code following certain conventions to expose the properties and events. Delphi was a second-generation visual programming tool, and the language was actively designed around visual programming, so it was much easier to create a visual component. However, Java has brought the creation of visual components to its most advanced state with JavaBeans, because a Bean is just a class. You don’t have to write any extra code or use special language extensions in order to make something a Bean. The only thing you need to do, in fact, is slightly modify the way that you name your methods. It is the method name that tells the application builder tool whether this is a property, an event, or just an ordinary method.

In the JDK documentation, this naming convention is mistakenly termed a “design pattern.” This is unfortunate, since design patterns (see Thinking in Patterns (with Java) at are challenging enough without this sort of confusion. It’s not a design pattern, it’s just a naming convention and it’s fairly simple:

  1. For a property named xxx, you typically create two methods: getXxx( ) and setXxx( ). Note that the first letter after “get” or “set” is automatically lower-cased to produce the property name. The type produced by the “get” method is the same as the type of the argument to the “set” method. The name of the property and the type for the “get” and “set” are not related.
  2. For a boolean property, you can use the “get” and “set” approach above, but you can also use “is” instead of “get.”
  3. Ordinary methods of the Bean don’t conform to the above naming convention, but they’re public.
  4. For events, you use the Swing “listener” approach. It’s exactly the same as you’ve been seeing: addBounceListener(BounceListener) and removeBounceListener(BounceListener) to handle a BounceEvent. Most of the time, the built-in events and listeners will satisfy your needs, but you can also create your own events and listener interfaces.

    We can use these guidelines to create a simple Bean:

    // A trivial JavaBean.
    package frogbean;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    class Spots {}
    public class Frog {
      private int jumps;
      private Color color;
      private Spots spots;
      private boolean jmpr;
      public int getJumps() { return jumps; }
      public void setJumps(int newJumps) {
        jumps = newJumps;
      public Color getColor() { return color; }
      public void setColor(Color newColor) {
        color = newColor;
      public Spots getSpots() { return spots; }
      public void setSpots(Spots newSpots) {
        spots = newSpots;
      public boolean isJumper() { return jmpr; }
      public void setJumper(boolean j) { jmpr = j; }
      public void addActionListener(ActionListener l) {
      public void removeActionListener(ActionListener l) {
        // ...
      public void addKeyListener(KeyListener l) {
        // ...
      public void removeKeyListener(KeyListener l) {
        // ...
      // An "ordinary" public method:
      public void croak() {
    } ///:~

    First, you can see that it’s just a class. Usually, all your fields will be private and accessible only through methods. Following the naming convention, the properties are jumps, color, spots, and jumper (notice the case change of the first letter in the property name). Although the name of the internal identifier is the same as the name of the property in the first three cases, in jumper you can see that the property name does not force you to use any particular identifier for internal variables (or, indeed, to even have any internal variables for that property).

    The events this Bean handles are ActionEvent and KeyEvent, based on the naming of the “add” and “remove” methods for the associated listener. Finally, you can see that the ordinary method croak( ) is still part of the Bean simply because it’s a public method, not because it conforms to any naming scheme.
    Thinking in Java
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   Reproduced courtesy of Bruce Eckel, MindView, Inc. Design by Interspire