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Thinking in Java
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The concept of the stack was introduced earlier, with the LinkedList. What’s rather odd about the Java 1.0/1.1 Stack is that instead of using a Vector as a building block, Stack is inherited from Vector. So it has all of the characteristics and behaviors of a Vector plus some extra Stack behaviors. It’s difficult to know whether the designers consciously thought that this was an especially useful way of doing things, or whether it was just a naïve design; in any event it was clearly not reviewed before it was rushed into distribution, so this bad design is still hanging around (but you should never use it).

Here’s a simple demonstration of Stack that pushes each line from a String array:

// Demonstration of Stack Class.
import com.bruceeckel.simpletest.*;
import java.util.*;
import c08.Month;

public class Stacks {
  private static Test monitor = new Test();
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Stack stack = new Stack();
    for(int i = 0; i < Month.month.length; i++)
      stack.push(Month.month[i] + " ");
    System.out.println("stack = " + stack);
    // Treating a stack as a Vector:
    stack.addElement("The last line");
    System.out.println("element 5 = " +
    System.out.println("popping elements:");
    monitor.expect(new String[] {
      "stack = [January , February , March , April , May "+
        ", June , July , August , September , October , " +
        "November , December ]",
      "element 5 = June ",
      "popping elements:",
      "The last line",
      "December ",
      "November ",
      "October ",
      "September ",
      "August ",
      "July ",
      "June ",
      "May ",
      "April ",
      "March ",
      "February ",
      "January "
} ///:~

Each line in the months array is inserted into the Stack with push( ), and later fetched from the top of the stack with a pop( ). To make a point, Vector operations are also performed on the Stack object. This is possible because, by virtue of inheritance, a Stack is a Vector. Thus, all operations that can be performed on a Vector can also be performed on a Stack, such as elementAt( ).

As mentioned earlier, you should use a LinkedList when you want stack behavior.
Thinking in Java
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   Reproduced courtesy of Bruce Eckel, MindView, Inc. Design by Interspire