“Multiple inheritance” in Java
The interface isn’t simply a “more pure” form of abstract class. It has a higher purpose than that. Because an interface has no implementation at all—that is, there is no storage associated with an interface—there’s nothing to prevent many interfaces from being combined. This is valuable because there are times when you need to say “An x is an a and a b and a c.” In C++, this act of combining multiple class interfaces is called multiple inheritance, and it carries some rather sticky baggage because each class can have an implementation. In Java, you can perform the same act, but only one of the classes can have an implementation, so the problems seen in C++ do not occur with Java when combining multiple interfaces:

In a derived class, you aren’t forced to have a base class that is either an abstract or “concrete” (one with no abstract methods). If you do inherit from a non-interface, you can inherit from only one. All the rest of the base elements must be interfaces. You place all the interface names after the implements keyword and separate them with commas. You can have as many interfaces as you want; each one becomes an independent type that you can upcast to. The following example shows a concrete class combined with several interfaces to produce a new class:
//: c08:Adventure.java
// Multiple interfaces.
interface CanFight {
void fight();
interface CanSwim {
void swim();
interface CanFly {
void fly();
class ActionCharacter {
public void fight() {}
class Hero extends ActionCharacter
implements CanFight, CanSwim, CanFly {
public void swim() {}
public void fly() {}
public class Adventure {
public static void t(CanFight x) { x.fight(); }
public static void u(CanSwim x) { x.swim(); }
public static void v(CanFly x) { x.fly(); }
public static void w(ActionCharacter x) { x.fight(); }
public static void main(String[] args) {
Hero h = new Hero();
t(h); // Treat it as a CanFight
u(h); // Treat it as a CanSwim
v(h); // Treat it as a CanFly
w(h); // Treat it as an ActionCharacter
} ///:~
You can see that Hero combines the concrete class ActionCharacter with the interfaces CanFight, CanSwim, and CanFly. When you combine a concrete class with interfaces this way, the concrete class must come first, then the interfaces. (The compiler gives an error otherwise.)
Note that the signature for fight( ) is the same in the interface CanFight and the class ActionCharacter, and that fight( ) is not provided with a definition in Hero. The rule for an interface is that you can inherit from it (as you will see shortly), but then you’ve got another interface. If you want to create an object of the new type, it must be a class with all definitions provided. Even though Hero does not explicitly provide a definition for fight( ), the definition comes along with ActionCharacter, so it is automatically provided and it’s possible to create objects of Hero.
In class Adventure, you can see that there are four methods that take as arguments the various interfaces and the concrete class. When a Hero object is created, it can be passed to any of these methods, which means it is being upcast to each interface in turn. Because of the way interfaces are designed in Java, this works without any particular effort on the part of the programmer.
Keep in mind that the core reason for interfaces is shown in the preceding example: to be able to upcast to more than one base type. However, a second reason for using interfaces is the same as using an abstract base class: to prevent the client programmer from making an object of this class and to establish that it is only an interface. This brings up a question: Should you use an interface or an abstract class? An interface gives you the benefits of an abstract class and the benefits of an interface, so if it’s possible to create your base class without any method definitions or member variables, you should always prefer interfaces to abstract classes. In fact, if you know something is going to be a base class, your first choice should be to make it an interface, and only if you’re forced to have method definitions or member variables should you change to an abstract class, or if necessary a concrete class.
Name collisions when combining interfaces
You can encounter a small pitfall when implementing multiple interfaces. In the preceding example, both CanFight and ActionCharacter have an identical void fight( ) method. This is not a problem, because the method is identical in both cases. But what if it isn’t? Here’s an example:
//: c08:InterfaceCollision.java
interface I1 { void f(); }
interface I2 { int f(int i); }
interface I3 { int f(); }
class C { public int f() { return 1; } }
class C2 implements I1, I2 {
public void f() {}
public int f(int i) { return 1; } // overloaded
class C3 extends C implements I2 {
public int f(int i) { return 1; } // overloaded
class C4 extends C implements I3 {
// Identical, no problem:
public int f() { return 1; }
// Methods differ only by return type:
//! class C5 extends C implements I1 {}
//! interface I4 extends I1, I3 {} ///:~
The difficulty occurs because overriding, implementation, and overloading get unpleasantly mixed together, and overloaded methods cannot differ only by return type. When the last two lines are uncommented, the error messages say it all:
InterfaceCollision.java:23: f( ) in C cannot implement f( ) in I1; attempting to use incompatible return type
found : int
required: void
InterfaceCollision.java:24: interfaces I3 and I1 are incompatible; both define f( ), but with different return type
Using the same method names in different interfaces that are intended to be combined generally causes confusion in the readability of the code, as well. Strive to avoid it.