Variant return type
The Derived3 class above suggests
that you cannot modify the return type of a virtual function during overriding.
This is generally true, but there is a special case in which you can slightly
modify the return type. If you’re returning a pointer or a reference to a
base class, then the overridden version of the function may return a pointer or
reference to a class derived from what the base returns. For
//: C15:VariantReturn.cpp
// Returning a pointer or reference to a derived
// type during ovverriding
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class PetFood {
virtual string foodType() const = 0;
class Pet {
virtual string type() const = 0;
virtual PetFood* eats() = 0;
class Bird : public Pet {
string type() const { return "Bird"; }
class BirdFood : public PetFood {
string foodType() const {
return "Bird food";
// Upcast to base type:
PetFood* eats() { return &bf; }
BirdFood bf;
class Cat : public Pet {
string type() const { return "Cat"; }
class CatFood : public PetFood {
string foodType() const { return "Birds"; }
// Return exact type instead:
CatFood* eats() { return &cf; }
CatFood cf;
int main() {
Bird b;
Cat c;
Pet* p[] = { &b, &c, };
for(int i = 0; i < sizeof p / sizeof *p; i++)
cout << p[i]->type() << " eats "
<< p[i]->eats()->foodType() << endl;
// Can return the exact type:
Cat::CatFood* cf = c.eats();
Bird::BirdFood* bf;
// Cannot return the exact type:
//! bf = b.eats();
// Must downcast:
bf = dynamic_cast<Bird::BirdFood*>(b.eats());
} ///:~
The Pet::eats( ) member
function returns a pointer to a PetFood. In Bird, this member
function is overloaded exactly as in the base class, including the return type.
That is, Bird::eats( ) upcasts the BirdFood to a
But in Cat, the return type of
eats( ) is a pointer to CatFood, a type derived from
PetFood. The fact that the return type is inherited from the return type
of the base-class function is the only reason this compiles. That way, the
contract is still fulfilled; eats( ) always returns a PetFood
If you think polymorphically, this
doesn’t seem necessary. Why not just upcast all the return types to
PetFood*, just as Bird::eats( ) did? This is typically a good
solution, but at the end of main( ), you see the difference:
Cat::eats( ) can return the exact type of PetFood, whereas
the return value of Bird::eats( ) must be downcast to the exact
So being able to return the exact type is
a little more general, and doesn’t lose the specific type information by
automatically upcasting. However, returning the base type will generally solve
your problems so this is a rather specialized