15: Polymorphism & Virtual Functions
Polymorphism (implemented in C++
functions) is the third essential feature of an object-oriented programming
language, after data abstraction and inheritance.
It provides another dimension of
separation of interface from implementation, to decouple what from
how. Polymorphism allows improved code organization and readability as
well as the creation of extensible programs that can be
“grown” not only during the original creation of the project, but
also when new features are desired.
Encapsulation creates new data types by
combining characteristics and behaviors. Access control separates the interface
from the implementation by making the details private. This kind of
mechanical organization makes ready sense to someone with a procedural
programming background. But virtual functions deal with
decoupling in terms of types. In Chapter 14, you
saw how inheritance allows the treatment of an object as its own type or
its base type. This ability is critical because it allows many types (derived
from the same base type) to be treated as if they were one type, and a single
piece of code to work on all those different types equally. The virtual function
allows one type to express its distinction from another, similar type, as long
as they’re both derived from the same base type. This distinction is
expressed through differences in behavior of the functions that you can call
through the base class.
In this chapter, you’ll learn about
virtual functions, starting from the basics with simple examples that strip away
everything but the “virtualness” of the