Nested friends
Making a structure nested doesn’t
automatically give it access to private members. To accomplish this, you
must follow a particular form: first, declare (without defining) the nested
structure, then declare it as a friend, and finally define the structure.
The structure definition must be separate from the friend declaration,
otherwise it would be seen by the compiler as a non-member. Here’s an
//: C05:NestFriend.cpp
// Nested friends
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring> // memset()
using namespace std;
const int sz = 20;
struct Holder {
int a[sz];
void initialize();
struct Pointer;
friend struct Pointer;
struct Pointer {
Holder* h;
int* p;
void initialize(Holder* h);
// Move around in the array:
void next();
void previous();
void top();
void end();
// Access values:
int read();
void set(int i);
void Holder::initialize() {
memset(a, 0, sz * sizeof(int));
void Holder::Pointer::initialize(Holder* rv) {
h = rv;
p = rv->a;
void Holder::Pointer::next() {
if(p < &(h->a[sz - 1])) p++;
void Holder::Pointer::previous() {
if(p > &(h->a[0])) p--;
void Holder::Pointer::top() {
p = &(h->a[0]);
void Holder::Pointer::end() {
p = &(h->a[sz - 1]);
int Holder::Pointer::read() {
return *p;
void Holder::Pointer::set(int i) {
*p = i;
int main() {
Holder h;
Holder::Pointer hp, hp2;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
for(i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
cout << "hp = " << hp.read()
<< ", hp2 = " << hp2.read() << endl;
} ///:~
Once Pointer is declared, it is
granted access to the private members of Holder by
friend struct Pointer;
The struct Holder contains an
array of ints and the Pointer allows you to access them. Because
Pointer is strongly associated with Holder, it’s sensible to
make it a member structure of Holder. But because Pointer is a
separate class from Holder, you can make more than one of them in
main( ) and use them to select different parts of the array.
Pointer is a structure instead of a raw C pointer, so you can guarantee
that it will always safely point inside the Holder.
The Standard C library function
memset( ) (in
<cstring>) is used
for convenience in the program above. It sets all memory starting at a
particular address (the first argument) to a particular value (the second
argument) for n bytes past the starting address (n is the third
argument). Of course, you could have simply used a loop to iterate through all
the memory, but memset( ) is available, well-tested (so it’s
less likely you’ll introduce an error), and probably more efficient than
if you coded it by