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Thinking in C++
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Defining a function pointer

To define a pointer to a function that has no arguments and no return value, you say:

void (*funcPtr)();

When you are looking at a complex definition like this, the best way to attack it is to start in the middle and work your way out. “Starting in the middle” means starting at the variable name, which is funcPtr. “Working your way out” means looking to the right for the nearest item (nothing in this case; the right parenthesis stops you short), then looking to the left (a pointer denoted by the asterisk), then looking to the right (an empty argument list indicating a function that takes no arguments), then looking to the left (void, which indicates the function has no return value). This right-left-right motion works with most declarations.

To review, “start in the middle” (“funcPtr is a ...”), go to the right (nothing there – you're stopped by the right parenthesis), go to the left and find the ‘*’ (“... pointer to a ...”), go to the right and find the empty argument list (“... function that takes no arguments ... ”), go to the left and find the void (“funcPtr is a pointer to a function that takes no arguments and returns void”).

You may wonder why *funcPtr requires parentheses. If you didn't use them, the compiler would see:

void *funcPtr();

You would be declaring a function (that returns a void*) rather than defining a variable. You can think of the compiler as going through the same process you do when it figures out what a declaration or definition is supposed to be. It needs those parentheses to “bump up against” so it goes back to the left and finds the ‘*’, instead of continuing to the right and finding the empty argument list.

Thinking in C++
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   Reproduced courtesy of Bruce Eckel, MindView, Inc. Design by Interspire