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Ruby Programming
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Exceptions, Catch, and Throw

So far we're been developing code in Pleasantville, a wonderful place where nothing ever, ever goes wrong. Every library call succeeds, users never enter incorrect data, and resources are plentiful and cheap. Well, that's about to change. Welcome to the real world!

In the real world, errors happen. Good programs (and programmers) anticipate them and arrange to handle them gracefully. This isn't always as easy as it might be. Often the code that detects an error does not have the context to know what to do about it. For example, attempting to open a file that doesn't exist is acceptable in some circumstances and is a fatal error at other times. What's your file-handling module to do?

The traditional approach is to use return codes. The open method returns some specific value to say it failed. This value is then propagated back through the layers of calling routines until someone wants to take responsibility for it.

The problem with this approach is that managing all these error codes can be a pain. If a function calls open, then read, and finally close, and each can return an error indication, how can the function distinguish these error codes in the value it returns to its caller?

To a large extent, exceptions solve this problem. Exceptions let you package up information about an error into an object. That exception object is then propagated back up the calling stack automatically until the runtime system finds code that explicitly declares that it knows how to handle that type of exception.
Ruby Programming
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