The content of headings, the labels of labeled lists, and the names of
methods are automatically
made into potential cross reference targets. You make links to these
targets from elsewhere in the document by citing their contents in the
= Synopsis
See ((<Return Codes>)) for details.
== Instance Methods
--- filename )
Opens the file...
== Return Codes
The method ((<>)) raises an (({IOException}))...
If a reference starts with ``URL:'',
attempts to format it as an
external hyperlink.
The reference
((<display part|label>))
generates a link to
but places the text ``display part'' in the output
document. This is used in the description section of the example in
Figure A.1 on page 512 to generate references to the method names:
perspective, apart from the unusual ((<(({new}))|>)),
This construct displays the word ``new'' in code font but uses it as
a hyperlink to the method