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Ruby Programming
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Installing Ruby

You can get Ruby from, or from the mirror sites listed on page 526 in Appendix C. There you will find the latest stable release, as well as various development releases.

You'll always find source code releases of Ruby; you may also find prebuilt binaries for Windows or other operating systems (like the binary distribution of Ruby for Windows at

Sidebar: The Very Latest Ruby

For those who just have to be on the very latest, hot-off-the-press and untested cutting edge (as we were while writing this book), you can get development versions straight from the developers' working repository.

The Ruby developers use CVS (Concurrent Version System, freely available from as their revision control system. You can check files out as an anonymous user from their archive by executing the following CVS commands:

% cvs -d
(Logging in to
CVS password: guest
% cvs -d
   checkout ruby

The complete source code tree, just as the developers last left it, will now be copied to a ``ruby'' subdirectory on your machine, updating your local source tree from a repository on the other side of the world. Isn't it a great time to be alive?

Ruby Programming
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