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A Digression

Readers with experience in other programming languages may equate an exception with a kind of goto statement. It changes the normal course of execution to a (possibly hard to find) exception-handling suite. This is a correct description of the construct, which leads to some difficult decision-making.

Some exception-causing conditions are actually predictable states of the program. The notable exclusions are I/O Error, Memory Error and OS Error. These three depend on resources outside the direct control of the running program and Python interpreter. Exceptions like Zero Division Error or Value Error can be checked with simple, clear if statements. Exceptions like Attribute Error or Not Implemented Error should never occur in a program that is reasonably well written and tested.

Relying on exceptions for garden-variety errors — those that are easily spotted with careful design or testing — is often a sign of shoddy programming. The usual story is that the programmer received the exception during testing and simply added the exception processing try statement to work around the problem; the programmer made no effort to determine the actual cause or remediation for the exception.

In their defense, exceptions can simplify complex nested if statements. They can provide a clear “escape” from complex logic when an exceptional condition makes all of the complexity moot. Exceptions should be used sparingly, and only when they clarify or simplify exposition of the algorithm. A programmer should not expect the reader to search all over the program source for the relevant exception-handling clause.

Future examples, which use I/O and OS calls, will benefit from simple exception handling. However, exception laden programs are a problem to interpret. Exception clauses are relatively expensive, measured by the time spent to understand their intent.

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