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Tuple Operations

There are three standard sequence operations (+, *, []) that can be performed with tuples as well as lists and strings.

The + operator creates a new tuple as the concatenation of the arguments. Here's an example.

("chapter",8) + ("strings","tuples","lists")

('chapter', 8, 'strings', 'tuples', 'lists')

The * operator between tuples and numbers (number * tuple or tuple * number) creates a new tuple that is a number of repetitions of the input tuple.


(3, 'blind', 'mice', 3, 'blind', 'mice')

The [] operator selects an item or a slice from the tuple. There are two forms. The first format is tuple [ index ] . Items are numbered from 0 at beginning through the length. They are also number from -1 at the end backwards to -len( tuple ). The slice format is tuple [ start : end ] . Elements from start to end -1 are chosen; there will be end start elements in the resulting tuple. If start is omitted, it is the beginning of the tuple (position 0), if end is omitted, it is the end of the tuple (position -1).

t=( (2,3), (2,"hi"), (3,"mom"), 2+3j, 6.02E23 )


(3, 'mom')
print t[:3], 'and', t[3:]

((2, 3), (2, 'hi'), (3, 'mom')) and ((2+3j), 6.02e+23)
print t[-1], 'then', t[-3:]

6.02e+23 then ((3, 'mom'), (2+3j), 6.02e+23)

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