Section 5.4
Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Abstract Classes
share the same structure and behaviors. The class determines the
structure of objects by specifying variables that are contained in
each instance of the class, and it determines behavior by
providing the instance methods that express the behavior of the objects.
This is a powerful idea. However, something like this can be
done in most programming languages. The central new idea
in object-oriented programming -- the idea that really distinguishes
it from traditional programming -- is to allow classes to
express the similarities among objects that share some,
but not all, of their structure and behavior. Such similarities
can be expressed using inheritance
and polymorphism.
The topics covered in this section are relatively advanced aspects
of object-oriented programming. Any programmer should know what
is meant by subclass, inheritance, and polymorphism. However, it
will probably be a while before you actually do anything with
inheritance except for extending classes that already exist.
The term inheritance refers to the fact that
one class can inherit part or all of its structure and behavior
from another class.
The class that does the inheriting is
said to be a subclass of the
class from which it inherits. If class B is a subclass of
class A, we also say that class A is a
superclass of class B.
(Sometimes the terms derived class
and base class are used instead of
subclass and superclass.) A subclass can add to the structure
and behavior that it inherits. It can also replace or modify
inherited behavior (though not inherited structure).
The relationship between subclass and superclass is sometimes
shown by a diagram in which the subclass is shown below, and
connected to, its superclass.
In Java, when you create a new class, you can declare
that it is a subclass of an existing class. If you are
defining a class named "B" and you want it to be
a subclass of a class named "A", you would write
class B extends A {
. // additions to, and modifications of,
. // stuff inherited from class A
Several classes can be declared as subclasses of the same
superclass. The subclasses, which might be referred to
as "sibling classes," share some structures and
behaviors -- namely, the ones they inherit from their common
superclass. The superclass expresses these
shared structures and behaviors. In the diagram to the left,
classes B, C, and D are sibling classes. Inheritance can also
extend over several "generations" of classes. This
is shown in the diagram, where class E is a subclass
of class D which is itself a subclass of class A. In this case,
class E is considered to be a subclass of class A, even though
it is not a direct subclass.
Let's look at an example. Suppose that a program has to
deal with motor vehicles, including cars, trucks, and motorcycles.
(This might be a program used by a Department of Motor Vehicles to
keep track of registrations.) The program could use a class named
Vehicle to represent all types of vehicles.
The Vehicle class could include instance variables
such as registrationNumber and owner and instance methods such
as transferOwnership(). These are variables and methods common
to all vehicles. Three subclasses of Vehicle --
Car, Truck, and Motorcycle -- could
then be used to hold variables and methods specific to
particular types of vehicles. The Car class might
add an instance variable numberOfDoors, the
Truck class might have numberOfAxels, and the
Motorcycle class could have a boolean variable
hasSidecar. (Well, it could in theory at least,
even if it might give a chuckle to the people at the Department of
Motor Vehicles.) The declarations of these classes in Java program
would look, in outline, like this:
class Vehicle {
int registrationNumber;
Person owner; // (assuming that a Person class has been defined)
void transferOwnership(Person newOwner) {
. . .
. . .
class Car extends Vehicle {
int numberOfDoors;
. . .
class Truck extends Vehicle {
int numberOfAxels;
. . .
class Motorcycle extends Vehicle {
boolean hasSidecar;
. . .
Suppose that myCar is a variable of type Car
that has been declared and initialized with the statement
Car myCar = new Car();
(Note that, as with any variable, it is OK to declare a variable
and initialize it in a single statement. This is equivalent to the
declaration "Car myCar;" followed by the assignment
statement "myCar = new Car();".)
Given this declaration, a program could refer to myCar.numberOfDoors,
since numberOfDoors is an instance variable in the class
Car. But since class Car extends class
Vehicle, a car also has all the structure and behavior
of a vehicle. This means that myCar.registrationNumber,
myCar.owner, and myCar.transferOwnership()
also exist.
Now, in the real world, cars, trucks, and motorcycles are
in fact vehicles. The same is true in a program. That is,
an object of type Car or Truck or
Motorcycle is automatically an object of type
Vehicle. This brings us to the following Important
A variable that can hold a reference
to an object of class A can also hold a reference
to an object belonging to any subclass of A.
The practical effect of this in our example is that an
object of type Car can be assigned to a variable of
type Vehicle. That is, it would be legal to say
Vehicle myVehicle = myCar;
or even
Vehicle myVehicle = new Car();
After either of these statements, the variable myVehicle
holds a reference to a Vehicle object that happens to be an instance
of the subclass, Car. The object "remembers" that
it is in fact a Car, and not just a Vehicle. Information
about the actual class of an object is stored as part of that object.
It is even possible to test whether a given object belongs to a given
class, using the instanceof operator. The test:
if (myVehicle instanceof Car) ...
determines whether the object referred to by myVehicle is
in fact a car.
On the other hand, the assignment statement
myCar = myVehicle;
would be illegal because myVehicle could potentially
refer to other types of vehicles that are not cars. This is similar
to a problem we saw previously in Section 2.5:
The computer will not allow you
to assign an int value to a variable of type short,
because not every int is a short.
Similarly, it will not allow you to assign a value of type
Vehicle to a variable of type Car because
not every vehicle is a car. As in the case of ints and
shorts, the solution here is to use type-casting. If, for some
reason, you happen to know that myVehicle does in fact
refer to a Car, you can use the type cast
(Car)myVehicle to tell the computer to treat
myVehicle as if it were actually of type Car.
So, you could say
myCar = (Car)myVehicle;
and you could even refer to ((Car)myVehicle).numberOfDoors.
As an example of how this could be used in a program, suppose that
you want to print out relevant data about a vehicle.
You could say:
System.out.println("Vehicle Data:");
System.out.println("Registration number: "
+ myVehicle.registrationNumber);
if (myVehicle instanceof Car) {
System.out.println("Type of vehicle: Car");
Car c;
c = (Car)myVehicle;
System.out.println("Number of doors: " + c.numberOfDoors);
else if (myVehicle instanceof Truck) {
System.out.println("Type of vehicle: Truck");
Truck t;
t = (Truck)myVehicle;
System.out.println("Number of axels: " + t.numberOfAxels);
else if (myVehicle instanceof Motorcycle) {
System.out.println("Type of vehicle: Motorcycle");
Motorcycle m;
m = (Motorcycle)myVehicle;
System.out.println("Has a sidecar: " + m.hasSidecar);
Note that for object types, when the computer executes a program,
it checks whether type-casts are valid. So, for example,
if myVehicle refers to an object of type Truck,
then the type cast (Car)myVehicle will produce an error.
As another example, consider a program that deals with
shapes drawn on the screen. Let's say that the shapes include
rectangles, ovals, and roundrects of various colors.
Three classes, Rectangle, Oval, and
RoundRect, could be used to represent the three types
of shapes. These three classes would have a common superclass,
Shape, to represent features that all three shapes have
in common. The Shape class could include instance
variables to represent the color, position, and size of a
shape. It could include instance methods for changing the color,
position, and size of a shape. Changing the color, for example,
might involve changing the value of an instance variable, and then
redrawing the shape in its new color:
class Shape {
Color color; // Color of the shape. (Recall that class Color
// is defined in package java.awt. Assume
// that this class has been imported.)
void setColor(Color newColor) {
// Method to change the color of the shape.
color = newColor; // change value of instance variable
redraw(); // redraw shape, which will appear in new color
void redraw() {
// method for drawing the shape
? ? ? // what commands should go here?
. . . // more instance variables and methods
} // end of class Shape
Now, you might see a problem here with the method
redraw(). The problem is that each different type of
shape is drawn differently. The method setColor() can
be called for any type of shape. How does the computer know
which shape to draw when it executes the redraw()?
Informally, we can answer the question like this: The computer
executes redraw() by asking the shape to redraw
itself. Every shape object knows what it has
to do to redraw itself.
In practice, this means that each of the specific shape classes
has its own redraw() method:
class Rectangle extends Shape {
void redraw() {
. . . // commands for drawing a rectangle
. . . // possibly, more methods and variables
class Oval extends Shape {
void redraw() {
. . . // commands for drawing an oval
. . . // possibly, more methods and variables
class RoundRect extends Shape {
void redraw() {
. . . // commands for drawing a rounded rectangle
. . . // possibly, more methods and variables
If oneShape is a variable of type Shape, it could refer
to an object of any of the types, Rectangle,
Oval, or RoundRect. As a program executes,
and the value of oneShape changes, it could even refer
to objects of different types at different times! Whenever the statement
is executed, the redraw method that is actually called is
the one appropriate for the type of object to which oneShape
actually refers. There may be no way of telling, from looking
at the text of the program, what shape this statement will draw, since
it depends on the value that oneShape happens to have when the
program is executed. Even more is true. Suppose the statement
is in a loop and gets executed many times. If the value of
oneShape changes as the loop is executed, it is possible
that the very same statement "oneShape.redraw();"
will call different methods and draw different shapes as it
is executed over and over. We say that the redraw() method
is polymorphic. A method is polymorphic
if the action performed by the method depends on the actual type
of the object to which the method is applied. Polymorphism
is one of the major distinguishing features of object-oriented
Perhaps this becomes more understandable if we change our
terminology a bit: In object-oriented programming, calling a
method is often referred to as sending a message
to an object. The object responds to the message by executing
the appropriate method. The statement "oneShape.redraw();"
is a message to the object referred to by oneShape.
Since that object knows what type of object it is, it knows how it
should respond to the message. From this point of view, the
computer always executes "oneShape.redraw();" in
the same way: by sending a message. The response to the message
depends, naturally, on who receives it. From this point of view,
objects are active entities that send and receive messages,
and polymorphism is a natural, even necessary, part of this
view. Polymorphism just means that different objects can
respond to the same message in different ways.
One of the most beautiful things about
polymorphism is that it lets code that you write do things that
you didn't even conceive of, at the time you wrote it.
If for some reason, I decide that I want to add beveled
rectangles to the types of shapes my program can deal with,
I can write a new subclass, BeveledRect, of class
Shape and give it its own redraw() method.
Automatically, code that I wrote previously -- such as
the statement oneShape.redraw() -- can now suddenly
start drawing beveled rectangles, even though the beveled
rectangle class didn't exist when I wrote the statement!
In the statement "oneShape.redraw();", the redraw message
is sent to the object oneShape. Look back at the method from the
Shape class for changing the color of a shape:
void setColor(Color newColor) {
color = newColor; // change value of instance variable
redraw(); // redraw shape, which will appear in new color
A redraw message is sent here, but which object is it sent to?
Well, the setColor method is itself a message that was sent
to some object. The answer is that the redraw message is sent
to that same object, the one that received the setColor message.
If that object is a rectangle, then it is the redraw() method from
the Rectangle class that is executed. If the object is an oval, then
it is the redraw() method from the Oval class. This is
what you should expect, but it means that the redraw(); statement
in the setColor() method does not necessarily call the
redraw() method in the Shape class! The redraw()
method that is executed could be in any subclass of Shape.
Again, this is not a real surprise if you think about it in
the right way. Remember that an instance method
is always contained in an object. The class only contains the source code
for the method. When a Rectangle object is created, it contains
a redraw() method. The source code for that method is in the
Rectangle class. The object also contains a setColor()
method. Since the Rectangle class does not define a setColor()
method, the source code for the rectangle's setColor() method
comes from the superclass, Shape. But even though the
source codes for the two methods are in different classes, the
methods themselves are part of the same object.
When the rectangle's
setColor() method is executed and calls redraw(),
the redraw() method that is executed is the one in the same object.
Whenever a Rectangle, Oval, or RoundRect object
has to draw itself, it is the redraw() method in the appropriate
class that is executed. This leaves open the question,
What does the redraw() method in the Shape
class do? How should it be defined?
The answer may be surprising: We should leave it blank! The
fact is that the class Shape represents the abstract
idea of a shape, and there is no way to draw such a thing.
Only particular, concrete shapes like rectangles and ovals
can be drawn. So, why should
there even be a redraw() method in the Shape
class? Well, it has to be there, or it would be illegal to
call it in the setColor() method of the Shape
class, and it would be illegal to write "oneShape.redraw();",
where oneShape is a variable of type Shape.
The compiler would complain
that oneShape is a variable of type Shape
and there's no redraw() method in the Shape class.
Nevertheless the version of redraw() in the Shape
class will never be called. In fact, if you
think about it, there can never be any reason to construct
an actual object of type Shape! You can have
variables of type Shape, but the objects they refer to
will always belong to one of the subclasses of Shape.
We say that Shape is an abstract
class. An abstract class is one that is not used to
construct objects, but only as a basis for making subclasses.
An abstract class exists only to express the common properties
of all its subclasses.
Similarly, we say that the redraw() method in
class Shape is an abstract
method, since it is never meant to be called. In fact,
there is nothing for it to do -- any actual redrawing is done
by redraw() methods in the subclasses of
Shape. The redraw() method in Shape has
to be there.
But it is there only to tell the computer that all Shapes
understand the redraw message. As an abstract method,
it exists merely to specify the common interface of all the
actual, concrete versions of redraw() in the subclasses
of Shape. There is no reason for the abstract
redraw() in class Shape to contain any code
at all.
Shape and its redraw() method are
semantically abstract. You can also tell the computer,
syntactically, that they are abstract by adding the modifier
"abstract" to their definitions. For an
abstract method, the block of code that gives the implementation
of an ordinary method is replaced by a semicolon. An implementation
must be provided for the abstract method in any concrete subclass
of the abstract class. Here's what the Shape class would
look like as an abstract class:
abstract class Shape {
Color color; // color of shape.
void setColor(Color newColor) {
// method to change the color of the shape
color = newColor; // change value of instance variable
redraw(); // redraw shape, which will appear in new color
abstract void redraw();
// abstract method -- must be defined in
// concrete subclasses
. . . // more instance variables and methods
} // end of class Shape
Once you have done this, it becomes illegal to try to create
actual objects of type Shape, and the computer will
report an error if you try to do so.
In Java, every class that you declare has a superclass.
If you don't specify a superclass, then the superclass is
automatically taken to be Object, a predefined class
that is part of the package java.lang. (The class
Object itself has no superclass, but it is the only
class that has this property.) Thus,
class myClass { . . .
is exactly equivalent to
class myClass extends Object { . . .
Every other class is, directly or indirectly, a subclass of Object.
This means that any object, belonging to any class whatsoever,
can be assigned to a variable of type Object. The class
Object represents very general properties that are
shared by all objects, belonging to any class. Object is the most
abstract class of all!
The Object class actually finds a use in some cases where
objects of a very general sort are being manipulated. For example, java has
a standard class, java.util.ArrayList, that represents a list
of Objects. (The ArrayList class is in the package
java.util. If you want to use this class in a program you
write, you would ordinarily use an import statement to make it
possible to use the short name, ArrayList, instead of the
full name, java.util.ArrayList. ArrayList is
discussed more fully in Section 8.3.)
The ArrayList class is very convenient,
because an ArrayList can hold any number of objects, and it will
grow, when necessary, as objects are added to it. Since the items in the
list are of type Object, the list can actually hold objects
of any type.
A program that wants to keep track of various Shapes that
have been drawn on the screen can store those shapes in an ArrayList.
Suppose that the ArrayList is named listOfShapes.
A shape, oneShape, can be added to the end of the list by calling the
instance method "listOfShapes.add(oneShape);".
The shape could be removed from the list with
The number of shapes in the list is given by the function
"listOfShapes.size()". And it is possible
to retrieve the i-th object from the list with the
function call "listOfShapes.get(i)".
(Items in the list are numbered from 0 to listOfShapes.size() - 1.)
However, note that this method returns an Object, not
a Shape. (Of course, the people who wrote the ArrayList
class didn't even know about Shapes, so the method they
wrote could hardly have a return type of Shape!) Since you know that
the items in the list are, in fact, Shapes and not just Objects,
you can type-cast the Object returned by
listOfShapes.get(i) to be a value of
type Shape:
oneShape = (Shape)listOfShapes.get(i);
Let's say, for example, that you want to redraw all the shapes in the
list. You could do this with a simple for loop, which
is lovely example of object-oriented programming and polymorphism:
for (int i = 0; i < listOfShapes.size(); i++) {
Shape s; // i-th element of the list, considered as a Shape
s = (Shape)listOfShapes.get(i);
It might be worthwhile to look at an applet that actually uses
an abstract Shape class and an ArrayList to hold
a list of shapes:
If you click one of the buttons along the bottom of this applet,
a shape will be added to the screen in the upper left corner of the applet.
The color of the shape is given by the "pop-up menu" in the lower
right. Once a shape is on the screen, you can drag it around with
the mouse. A shape will maintain the same front-to-back order with
respect to other shapes on the screen, even while you are dragging it.
However, you can move a shape out in front of all the other shapes
if you hold down the shift key as you click on it.
In this applet the only time when the actual class of a shape is
used is when that shape is added to the screen. Once the shape has
been created, it is manipulated entirely as an abstract shape.
The routine that implements dragging, for example, works only
with variables of type Shape. As the Shape is being dragged,
the dragging routine just calls the Shape's draw method each time
the shape has to be drawn, so it doesn't have to know how to draw the shape
or even what type of shape it is. The object is responsible for drawing
itself. If I wanted to add a new type of shape to the program, I would define
a new subclass of Shape, add another button to the applet,
and program the button to add the correct type of shape to the
screen. No other changes in the programming would be necessary.
You might want to look at the source code for this applet,,
even though you won't be able to understand all of it
at this time. Even the definitions of the shape classes are somewhat
different from those I described in this section. (For example, the
draw() method used in the applet has a parameter of type
Graphics. This parameter is required because of the way
Java handles all drawing.) I'll return to this example in later
chapters when you know more about applets. However, it would
still be worthwhile to look at the definition of the Shape
class and its subclasses in the source code for the applet.
You might also check how an ArrayList is used to hold a list of
Extending Existing Classes
We have been discussing subclasses, but so far we have dealt mostly
with the theory. In the remainder of this
section, I want to emphasize the practical matter of
Java syntax by giving an example.
In day-to-day programming, especially for programmers who are just beginning
to work with objects, subclassing is used mainly in one situation. There is
an existing class that can be adapted with a few changes or additions. This is
much more common than designing groups of classes and subclasses from scratch.
The existing class can be extended to make
a subclass. The syntax for this is
class subclass-name extends existing-class-name {
. // Changes and additions.
(Of course, the class can optionally be declared to be public.)
As an example, suppose you want to write a program that plays the card
game, Blackjack. You can use the Card, Hand, and Deck
classes developed in Section 3. However, a hand in the
game of Blackjack is a little different from a hand of cards in general,
since it must be possible to compute the "value" of a Blackjack hand
according to the rules of the game. The rules are as follows: The value of
a hand is obtained by adding up the values of the cards in the hand. The value
of a numeric card such as a three or a ten is its numerical value.
The value of a Jack, Queen, or King is 10. The value of an Ace can be either
1 or 11. An Ace should be counted as 11 unless doing so would put the total
value of the hand over 21. Note that this means that the second, third, or
fourth Ace in the hand will always be counted as 1.
One way to handle this is to extend the existing Hand class
by adding a method that computes the Blackjack value of the hand. Here's
the definition of such a class:
public class BlackjackHand extends Hand {
public int getBlackjackValue() {
// Returns the value of this hand for the
// game of Blackjack.
int val; // The value computed for the hand.
boolean ace; // This will be set to true if the
// hand contains an ace.
int cards; // Number of cards in the hand.
val = 0;
ace = false;
cards = getCardCount();
for ( int i = 0; i < cards; i++ ) {
// Add the value of the i-th card in the hand.
Card card; // The i-th card;
int cardVal; // The blackjack value of the i-th card.
card = getCard(i);
cardVal = card.getValue(); // The normal value, 1 to 13.
if (cardVal > 10) {
cardVal = 10; // For a Jack, Queen, or King.
if (cardVal == 1) {
ace = true; // There is at least one ace.
val = val + cardVal;
// Now, val is the value of the hand, counting any ace as 1.
// If there is an ace, and if changing its value from 1 to
// 11 would leave the score less than or equal to 21,
// then do so by adding the extra 10 points to val.
if ( ace == true && val + 10 <= 21 )
val = val + 10;
return val;
} // end getBlackjackValue()
} // end class BlackjackHand
Since BlackjackHand is a subclass of Hand, an object of
type BlackjackHand contains all the instance variables and instance methods
defined in Hand, plus the new instance method getBlackjackValue().
For example, if bHand is a variable of type BlackjackHand,
then the following are all legal method calls:
bHand.getCardCount(), bHand.removeCard(0), and
Inherited variables and methods from the Hand class can also be used
in the definition of BlackjackHand (except for any that are declared
to be private). The statement "cards = getCardCount();"
in the above definition of getBlackjackValue() calls the instance method
getCardCount(), which was defined in the Hand class.
Extending existing classes is an easy way to build on previous work.
We'll see that many standard classes have been written specifically to
be used as the basis for making subclasses.