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Next: , Previous: Argp Example 1, Up: Argp Examples A Program Using Argp with Only Default Options

This program doesn't use any options or arguments, it uses argp to be compliant with the GNU standard command line format.

In addition to giving no arguments and implementing a `--help' option, this example has a `--version' option, which will put the given documentation string and bug address in the `--help' output, as per GNU standards.

The variable argp contains the argument parser specification. Adding fields to this structure is the way most parameters are passed to argp_parse. The first three fields are normally used, but they are not in this small program. There are also two global variables that argp can use defined here, argp_program_version and argp_program_bug_address. They are considered global variables because they will almost always be constant for a given program, even if they use different argument parsers for various tasks.

     /* Argp example #2 -- a pretty minimal program using argp */
     /* This program doesn't use any options or arguments, but uses
        argp to be compliant with the GNU standard command line
        In addition to making sure no arguments are given, and
        implementing a --help option, this example will have a
        --version option, and will put the given documentation string
        and bug address in the --help output, as per GNU standards.
        The variable ARGP contains the argument parser specification;
        adding fields to this structure is the way most parameters are
        passed to argp_parse (the first three fields are usually used,
        but not in this small program).  There are also two global
        variables that argp knows about defined here,
        global variables because they will almost always be constant
        for a given program, even if it uses different argument
        parsers for various tasks). */
     #include <argp.h>
     const char *argp_program_version =
       "argp-ex2 1.0";
     const char *argp_program_bug_address =
     /* Program documentation. */
     static char doc[] =
       "Argp example #2 -- a pretty minimal program using argp";
     /* Our argument parser.  The options, parser, and
        args_doc fields are zero because we have neither options or
        arguments; doc and argp_program_bug_address will be
        used in the output for `--help', and the `--version'
        option will print out argp_program_version. */
     static struct argp argp = { 0, 0, 0, doc };
     int main (int argc, char **argv)
       argp_parse (&argp, argc, argv, 0, 0, 0);
       exit (0);

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