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The Art of Unix Programming
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Unix Programming - Problems in the Design of Unix - The Unix API Doesn't Use Exceptions

The Unix API Doesn't Use Exceptions

C lacks a facility for throwing named exceptions with attached data.[159] Thus, the C functions in the Unix API indicate errors by returning a distinguished value (usually −1 or a NULL character pointer) and setting a global errno variable.

In retrospect, this is the source of many subtle errors. Programmers in a hurry often neglect to check return values. Because no exception is thrown, the Rule of Repair is violated; program flow continues until the error condition manifests as some kind of failure or data corruption later in execution.

The absence of exceptions also means that some tasks which ought to be simple idioms — like aborting from a signal handler on a version with Berkeley-style signals — have to be performed with code that is complex, subject to portability glitches, and bug-prone.

This problem can be (and normally is) hidden by bindings of the Unix API in languages such as Python or Java that have exceptions.

The lack of exceptions is actually an indicator of a problem with larger immediate implications; C's weak type ontology makes communication between higher-level languages implemented in it problematic. Most of the more modern languages, for example, have lists and dictionaries as primary data types — but, because these don't have any canonical representation in the universe of C, attempting to pass lists between (say) Perl and Python is an unnatural act requiring a lot of glue.

There are technologies that address the larger problem, such as CORBA, but they tend to involve a lot of runtime translation and be unpleasantly heavyweight.

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The Art of Unix Programming
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