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The Art of Unix Programming
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Unix Programming - Best Practices for Working with Open-Source Developers - Good Distribution-Making Practice

Good Distribution-Making Practice

These guidelines describe how your distribution should look when someone downloads, retrieves and unpacks it.

Before even looking at the README, your intrepid explorer will have scanned the filenames in the top-level directory of your unpacked distribution. Those names can themselves convey information. By adhering to certain standard naming practices, you can give the explorer valuable clues about where to look next.

Here are some standard top-level file names and what they mean. Not every distribution needs all of these.


The roadmap file, to be read first.


Configuration, build, and installation instructions.


List of project contributors (GNU convention).


Recent project news.


Project history.


Log of significant changes between revisions.


Project license terms (GNU convention).


Project license terms.


Plain-text Frequently-Asked-Questions document for the project.

Note the overall convention that filenames with all-caps names are human-readable metainformation about the package, rather than build components. This elaboration of the README was developed early on at the Free Software Foundation.

Having a FAQ file can save you a lot of grief. When a question about the project comes up often, put it in the FAQ; then direct users to read the FAQ before sending questions or bug reports. A well-nurtured FAQ can decrease the support burden on the project maintainers by an order of magnitude or more.

Having a HISTORY or NEWS file with timestamps in it for each release is valuable. Among other things, it may help establish prior art if you are ever hit with a patent-infringement lawsuit (this hasn't happened to anyone yet, but best to be prepared).

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The Art of Unix Programming
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