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The Art of Unix Programming
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Unix Programming - Best Practices for Working with Open-Source Developers

Much of what constitutes best practice in the open-source community is a natural adaptation to distributed development; you'll read a lot in the rest of this chapter about behaviors that maintain good communication with other developers. Where Unix conventions are arbitrary (such as the standard names of files that convey metainformation about a source distribution) they often trace back either to Usenet in the early 1980s, or to the conventions and standards of the GNU project.

Most people become involved in open-source software by writing patches for other people's software before releasing projects of their own. Suppose you've written a set of source-code changes for someone else's baseline code. Now put yourself in that person's shoes. How is he to judge whether to include the patch?

It is very difficult to judge the quality of code, so developers tend to evaluate patches by the quality of the submission. They look for clues in the submitter's style and communications behavior instead — indications that the person has been in their shoes and understands what it's like to have to evaluate and merge an incoming patch.

This is actually a rather reliable proxy for code quality. In many years of dealing with patches from many hundreds of strangers, I have only seldom seen a patch that was thoughtfully presented and respectful of my time but technically bogus. On the other hand, experience teaches that patches which look careless or are packaged in a lazy and inconsiderate way are very likely to actually be bogus.

Here are some tips on how to get your patch accepted:

Your patch should include cover notes explaining why you think the patch is necessary or useful. This is explanation directed not to the users of the software but to the maintainer to whom you are sending the patch.

The note can be short — in fact, some of the most effective cover notes I've ever seen just said “See the documentation updates in this patch”. But it should show the right attitude.

The right attitude is helpful, respectful of the maintainer's time, quietly confident but unassuming. It's good to display understanding of the code you're patching. It's good to show that you can identify with the maintainer's problems. It's also good to be up front about any risks you perceive in applying the patch. Here are some examples of the sorts of explanatory comments that experienced developers send:

“I've seen two problems with this code, X and Y. I fixed problem X, but I didn't try addressing problem Y because I don't think I understand the part of the code that I believe is involved”.

“Fixed a core dump that can happen when one of the foo inputs is too long. While I was at it, I went looking for similar overflows elsewhere. I found a possible one in blarg.c, near line 666. Are you sure the sender can't generate more than 80 characters per transmission?”

“Have you considered using the Foonly algorithm for this problem? There is a good implementation at <>”.

“This patch solves the immediate problem, but I realize it complicates the memory allocation in an unpleasant way. Works for me, but you should probably test it under heavy load before shipping”.

“This may be featuritis, but I'm sending it anyway. Maybe you'll know a cleaner way to implement the feature”.

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The Art of Unix Programming
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