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The Art of Unix Programming
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Unix Programming - Version-Control Systems

Code evolves. As a project moves from first-cut prototype to deliverable, it goes through multiple cycles in which you explore new ground, debug, and then stabilize what you've accomplished. And this evolution doesn't stop when you first deliver for production. Most projects will need to be maintained and enhanced past the 1.0 stage, and will be released multiple times. Tracking all that detail is just the sort of thing computers are good at and humans are not.

Code evolution raises several practical problems that can be major sources of friction and drudgery — thus a serious drain on productivity. Every moment spent on these problems is a moment not spent on getting the design and function of your project right.

Perhaps the most important problem is reversion . If you make a change, and discover it's not viable, how can you revert to a code version that is known good? If reversion is difficult or unreliable, it's hard to risk making changes at all (you could trash the whole project, or make many hours of painful work for yourself).

Almost as important is change tracking . You know your code has changed; do you know why? It's easy to forget the reasons for changes and step on them later. If you have collaborators on a project, how do you know what they have changed while you weren't looking, and who was responsible for each change?

Amazingly often, it is useful to ask what you have changed since the last known-good version, even if you have no collaborators. This often uncovers unwanted changes, such as forgotten debugging code. I now do this routinely before checking in a set of changes.

-- Henry Spencer

Another issue is bug tracking . It's quite common to get new bug reports for a particular version after the code has mutated away from it considerably. Sometimes you can recognize immediately that the bug has already been stomped, but often you can't. Suppose it doesn't reproduce under the new version. How do you get back the state of the code for the old version in order to reproduce and understand it?

To address these problems, you need procedures for keeping a history of your project, and annotating it with comments that explain the history. If your project has more than one developer, you also need mechanisms for making sure developers don't overwrite each others' versions.

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The Art of Unix Programming
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