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The Art of Unix Programming
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Unix Programming - Language Evaluations - Emacs Lisp

Emacs Lisp

Emacs Lisp is a scripting language used to program the behavior of the Emacs text editor. Its first public release was in 1984.

Emacs Lisp is not a general-purpose language in quite the same way as the others surveyed in this chapter; while it is powerful enough to theoretically be used as such, it is traditionally employed only to write control programs for the Emacs editor itself and does not communicate as fluently with other software as would a modern scripting language.

Nevertheless, there is a significant range of applications in which Emacs Lisp is more effective than anything else. Many of these have to do with providing a front-end for development tools such as the C compiler and linker, make(1), version-control systems, and symbolic debuggers; we'll discuss these in Chapter15.

More generally, Emacs is to pattern- or syntax-directed interactive editing what Perl is to pattern-directed batch editing. Any application that involves interactively hacking a special file format or text database is an excellent candidate to be prototyped (and possibly delivered) as an Emacs mode (an Emacs Lisp program that specializes the editor's behavior).

Emacs Lisp is also valuable for building applications that have to be closely integrated with a text editor, or that function primarily as text browsers with some editing capability. User agents for email and Usenet news fall in this category. So do certain kinds of database front ends.

Emacs Lisp is a Lisp. It follows as the night the day that it manages memory automatically and is far more elegant and powerful than most conventional languages, or indeed most unconventional languages; it can compete with Java or Python on this level and laugh at C or C++, Perl, shell or Tcl. Lisp's perennial problem of lacking a standardized OS binding for portability is solved by the Emacs core, which in effect is its OS binding.

Lisp's other perennial problem — being a resource hog — is no longer a real issue on modern machines. Parody expansions like ‘Emacs Makes A Computer Slow’ and ‘Eventually Munches All Computer Storage’ used to be common (in fact the Emacs distribution itself includes a list of them). But many other commonly used categories of programs (such as Web browsers) have nowadays grown larger and more complex than Emacs, which has come to appear rather moderate by comparison.

The definitive Emacs Lisp reference is The GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual , which may be browseable through your Emacs's ‘info’ help system. If not, it can be downloaded from the FSF FTP site. If you find that impenetrable, Writing GNU Emacs Extensions [Glickstein] may help.

Portability of Emacs Lisp programs is excellent. Emacs implementations are available for all Unixes, the Microsoft operating systems, and Mac OS.

Summing up: Emacs Lisp's best point is that it combines an excellent base language, Lisp, with powerful domain primitives for text manipulation. Its worst point is poor performance and difficulties using it in communication with other programs.

For more information, see the discussion of Emacs under editors in the next chapter.

[125] The last C++ standard, dating from 1998, was widely implemented but weak, especially in the area of libraries.

[126] See Tom Christiansen's essay Csh Programming Considered Harmful, which should be readily findable via Web search.

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The Art of Unix Programming
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