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The Art of Unix Programming
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Unix Programming - Language Evaluations - C++


When C++ was first released to the world in the mid-1980s object-oriented (OO) languages were being widely touted as the silver bullet for the software-complexity problem. C++'s OO features appeared to be an overwhelming advantage over the ancestral C, and partisans expected that it would rapidly make the older language obsolete.

This has not happened. Part of the fault can be laid to problems in C++ itself; the requirement that it be backward-compatible with C forced a great many compromises on the design. Among other things, that requirement prevented C++ from going to fully automatic dynamic-memory management and addressing C's most serious problem. Later, feature arms races between different compiler implementers, unconstrained by a weak and premature standardization effort, pushed C++ to become rather baroque and excessively complicated.

Another part of the fault must be laid to the failure of OO itself to live up to expectations. We examined this problem in Chapter4, observing the tendency of OO methods to lead to thick glue layers and maintenance problems. Today (2003), inspection of open-source archives (in which choice of language reflects developers' judgments rather than corporate mandates) reveals that C++ usage is still heavily concentrated in GUIs, multimedia toolkits and games (the major success areas for OO design), and little used elsewhere.

It may be that C++'s realization of OO is particularly problem-prone. There is some evidence that C++ programs have higher life-cycle costs than equivalents in C, FORTRAN, or Ada. Whether this is a problem with OO or specifically with C++ or both remains unclear, though there is reason to suspect both are implicated [Hatton98].

In recent years, C++ has incorporated some important non-OO ideas. It has exceptions similar to those in Lisp; that is, it is possible to throw an object or value up the call stack until it is caught by a handler. STL (Standard Template Library) provides generic programming; that is, it is possible to code algorithms that are independent of the type signature of their data and have them compiled to do the right thing at runtime. (Only languages that do compile-time static type-checking need this; more dynamic languages simply pass around typeless references and support type identification at runtime.)

Efficient compiled language; upward-compatible with C; object-oriented platform; vehicle for cutting-edge techniques like STL and generics — C++ tries to be all things to all people, but the cost is more complexity than the mind of any individual programmer can handle. As we noted in Chapter4, the language's principal designer has conceded that he doesn't expect any one programmer to grasp it all. Unix hackers do not react well to this; one anonymous but famous characterization is “C++: an octopus made by nailing extra legs onto a dog”.

When all is said and done, however, C++'s most fundamental problem is that it is basically just another conventional language. It confines the memory-management problem better than it did before the invention of the Standard Template Library, and a lot better than C does, but the confinement is brittle; it breaks unless your code uses objects and only objects. For many types of application its OO features are not significant, and simply add complexity to C without yielding much advantage. Open-source C++ compilers are available; if C++ were unequivocally superior to C it would now dominate.

Summing up: C++'s best side is its combination of compiled efficiency with facilities for OO and generic programming. Its worst side is that it is baroque and complex, and tends to encourage over-complex designs.

Consider using C++ if an existing C++ toolkit or service library offers powerful leverage for your application, or if you're in one of the application areas mentioned above for which an OO language is known to be a large win.

The classic C++ reference is Stroustrup's The C++ Programming Language [Stroustrup]. You will find an excellent beginner's tutorial on C++ and basic OO methods in C++: A Dialog [Heller]. C++ Annotations [Brokken] is a condensed introduction to C++ for expert C programmers.

The Gnu Compiler Collection includes a C++ compiler. The language is therefore universally available on Unix and on Microsoft operating systems; comments made under C above also apply here. Strong collections of open-source support libraries are available. However, portability is compromised by the fact that (as of mid-2003) actual C++ implementations implement widely varying subsets of the draft ISO standard now in preparation.[125]

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