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The Art of Unix Programming
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Unix Programming - The Elements of Operating-System Style - Cooperating Processes

Cooperating Processes

In the Unix experience, inexpensive process-spawning and easy inter-process communication (IPC) makes a whole ecology of small tools, pipes, and filters possible. We'll explore this ecology in Chapter7; here, we need to point out some consequences of expensive process-spawning and IPC.

The pipe was technically trivial, but profound in its effect. However, it would not have been trivial without the fundamental unifying notion of the process as an autonomous unit of computation, with process control being programmable. As in Multics, a shell was just another process; process control did not come from God inscribed in JCL.

-- Doug McIlroy

If an operating system makes spawning new processes expensive and/or process control is difficult and inflexible, you'll usually see all of the following consequences:

These are examples of common stylistic traits (even in applications programming) being driven by a limitation in the OS environment.

A subtle but important property of pipes and the other classic Unix IPC methods is that they require communication between programs to be held down to a level of simplicity that encourages separation of function. Conversely, the result of having no equivalent of the pipe is that programs can only be designed to cooperate by building in full knowledge of each others' internals.

In operating systems without flexible IPC and a strong tradition of using it, programs communicate by sharing elaborate data structures. Because the communication problem has to be solved anew for all programs every time another is added to the set, the complexity of this solution rises as the square of the number of cooperating programs. Worse than that, any change in one of the exposed data structures can induce subtle bugs in an arbitrarily large number of other programs.

Word and Excel and PowerPoint and other Microsoft programs have intimate — one might say promiscuous — knowledge of each others' internals. In Unix, one tries to design programs to operate not specifically with each other, but with programs as yet unthought of.

-- Doug McIlroy

We'll return to this theme in Chapter7.

To design the perfect anti-Unix, make process-spawning very expensive, make process control difficult and inflexible, and leave IPC as an unsupported or half-supported afterthought.

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The Art of Unix Programming
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