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openSUSE 11.1 KDE Quick Start Guide
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Using Virtual Desktops

The desktop environment allows you to organize your programs and tasks on several virtual desktops. If you often run a lot of programs simultaneously, this minimizes the number of windows to arrange on your screen. You might, for example, use one desktop for e-mailing and calendaring and another for word processing or graphics applications.

Moving an Application to Another Virtual Desktop

You can display a running application on one or all virtual desktops or move it to other desktops.

  1. Open the application.

  2. Right-click the title bar of the application.

  3. Click To Desktop.

  4. Select the desktop on which to place the application.

  5. To switch between desktops, click the desired desktop in the pager in the panel.

Adding Additional Virtual Desktops

Some users might need more desktops than provided by default. To add additional desktops:

  1. Right-click the pager in the panel and select Configure Desktops. A configuration dialog appears where you can increase or reduce the number of virtual desktops. You can also change the default names of the desktop.

  2. Click OK to apply the changes and to close the configuration dialog.

  3. If you want the names of the desktops to appear in the pager rather than the number, right-click the pager and select Pager Settings.

  4. From the drop-down list, select Desktop Name and click OK to apply your changes and close the dialog.

openSUSE 11.1 KDE Quick Start Guide
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