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openSUSE 11.1 KDE Quick Start Guide
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E-Mailing and Calendaring

For reading and managing your mails and appointments, you can use Kontact as your personal information management tool (PIM). Kontact combines KDE applications like KMail, KOrganizer, and KAddressBook into a single interface. This gives you easy access to your e-mail, calendar, address book, and other PIM functionality. Kontact can also manage multiple e-mail accounts, such as your private e-mail and your business ones.

Starting Kontact for the First Time

To start Kontact, press Alt+F2 and enter kontact. To access one of the components, click the corresponding icon in the left sidebar.

Before you can send or receive mails, you must configure an e-mail account. When starting KMail for the first time, a configuration wizard appears that assists you in setting up your account: Select the Account Type you want to create (like IMAP or POP3), enter your Account Information like name and e-mail address, and enter your Login Information for the e-mail account. In the last step, enter the Server Information for incoming and outgoing mail and click Finish.

If you want to modify your e-mail account (for example, if you need to change any ports or want to add a second account), click the Mail icon, then select Settings > Configure KMail to open the configuration dialog. If you are not sure about the settings or items to select, consult your Internet Service Provider or system administrator.

To write a new mail, click the Mail icon in the Kontact main window and press Ctrl+N to open the mail composer. After you have finished your mail, click Send to send it immediately. In case you have configured multiple e-mail accounts, keep the Send button pressed, then select the account from which you want to send the mail.

openSUSE 11.1 KDE Quick Start Guide
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