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openSUSE 11.1 KDE Quick Start Guide
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Managing Your Digital Image Collection

With digiKam, it is easy to manage your digital images: download your images from the camera, edit and improve them, organize them in albums (or flag them with tags for easy retrieval, independent of folders or albums), and archive them on CD or export them to a Web image gallery.

digiKam also contains a set of useful batch functions and plug-ins, allowing you to convert multiple images to various different formats, rename multiple images, or automatically improve them with functions such as red eye reduction, speck removal, and hot pixel removal. Various filter and effect plug-ins help create works of art from your digital images.

digiKam is not yet available as a KDE 4 application, but you can use the KDE 3 version of digiKam on your KDE 4 desktop. To start digiKam, press Alt+F2 and enter digikam. On first start-up, digiKam creates a custom folder in which to store your albums.

digiKam's main window contains a tree view at the left and shows thumbnails of the images at the right. For quick access to your images, use the sidebar at the left, which allows you to switch between different views, sorting the images according to Albums, Dates, Tags or Searches. To enter digiKam's viewing and editing mode, double-click an image thumbnail.

openSUSE 11.1 KDE Quick Start Guide
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