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openSUSE 11.1 GNOME User Guide
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5.1 Installing a Printer

Before you can install a printer, you need to know the root password and have your printer information ready. Depending on how you connect to the printer, you might also need the printer URI, TCP/IP address or host, and the driver for the printer. A number of common printer drivers ship with SLED. If you cannot find a driver for the printer, check the printer manufacturer's Web site.

5.1.1 Installing a Network Printer

  1. Click Computer > Control Center > Add Printer > New Printer.

  2. Enter the root password.

  3. Click Network Printer, then select the type of connection for this printer.

    CUPS Printer (IPP): A printer attached to a different Linux system on the same network running CUPS or a printer configured on another operating system to use IPP.

    Windows Printer (SMB): A printer attached to a different system which is sharing a printer over a SMB network (for example, a printer attached to a Microsoft Windows machine). Please refer to Section 3.5, Configuring and Accessing a Windows Network Printer for configuration details.

    UNIX Printer (LPD): A printer attached to a different UNIX system that can be accessed over a TCP/IP network (for example, a printer attached to another Linux system on your network).

    HP JetDirect: A printer connected directly to the network instead of to a computer.

  4. Specify the printer's information, then click Forward.

  5. Select the printer driver for this printer, then click Apply.

    You can also install a printer driver from a disk, or visit the printer manufacturer's Web site to download the latest driver.

  6. Specify desired options (such as a description or location) for the printer in the Properties dialog box, then click Close.

The installed printer appears in the Printers panel. You can now print to the printer from any application.

5.1.2 Installing a Local Printer

  1. Connect the printer cable to your computer and connect the printer's power supply.

    The printer dialog should open. If it doesn’t, click Computer > Control Center > Add Printer > New Printer to open it.

  2. Enter the root password.

  3. Click Local Printer.

  4. If the printer was autodetected, select the printer from the list. If the printer was not autodetected, click Use another printer by specifying a port and then select the correct printer port.

  5. Click Forward.

  6. Select the printer driver for this printer, then click Apply.

    You can also install a printer driver from a disk, or visit the printer manufacturer's Web site to download the latest driver.

  7. Specify desired options (such as a description or location) for the printer in the Properties dialog box, then click Close.

The installed printer appears in the Printers dialog box. You can now print to the printer from any application.

openSUSE 11.1 GNOME User Guide
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