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openSUSE 11.1 Reference Guide
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6.1 Add-Ons

To install a new add-on, proceed as follows:

  1. Click Software > Add-On Product to see an overview of installed add-on products.

  2. Select various types of product media, such as CD, FTP or a local directory, by clicking Add. You can also use ISO images instead of CD or DVD media.

  3. To add an ISO image, select Local ISO Image and clickNext.

  4. Enter the Path to ISO Image and choose a Repository Name. Click Next.

  5. After successfully adding the add-on media, the software manager window appears. If the add-on provides a new pattern, see the new item in the Patterns filter. To view the list of all packages from the selected software repository, select the filter Software Repositories and choose the repository to view. To view packages from a selected add-on by package groups, select the secondary filter Package Groups in the YaST Qt interface.

openSUSE 11.1 Reference Guide
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