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OpenSuSE 10 Quick Start Guide
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10.5 Troubleshooting

Connection problems can occur. Some common problems related to NetworkManager include the applet not starting, a missing VPN option, and issues with SCPM. Methods for resolving and preventing these problems depend on the tool used.

10.5.1 NetworkManager Desktop Applet Does Not Start

NetworkManager applet should start automatically if the network is set up for NetworkManager control. If the applet does not start, first make sure that the appropriate package for your desktop environment is installed. If you are using KDE, the package is NetworkManager-kde. For GNOME the package is NetworkManager-gnome.

If the desktop applet is installed but is not running for some reason (perhaps you quit it accidentally), start it manually. To start the KNetworkManager applet manually, run knetworkmanager from a command prompt. To start the GNOME NetworkManager applet manually, run nm-applet from a command prompt.

10.5.2 NetworkManager Applet Does Not Include the VPN Option

Support for NetworkManager, applets, and VPN for NetworkManager is distributed in seperate packages. If your NetworkManager applet does not include the VPN option, check if the package with NetworkManager support for your VPN technology is installed. You need two packages for each VPN technology, generic support for NetworkManager and a specific package for your applet (KNetworkManager or GNOME NetworkManager applet):

VPN support is included in following packages:

  • NovellVPN—package NetworkManager-novellvpn

  • OpenVPN—package NetworkManager-openvpn

  • vpnc (Cisco)—package NetworkManager-vpnc

Aditionally, you need these packages if you are using KDE and KNetworkManager applet:

  • NovellVPN support for KNetworkManager—package NetworkManager-novellvpn-kde

  • OpenVPN support for KNetworkManager—package NetworkManager-openvpn-kde

  • vpnc (Cisco) support for KNetworkManager—package NetworkManager-vpnc-kde

If you are using GNOME and GNOME NetworkManager applet you need these packages:

  • NovellVPN support for GNOME NetworkManager applet—package NetworkManager-novellvpn-gnome

  • OpenVPN support for GNOME NetworkManager applet—package NetworkManager-openvpn-gnome

  • vpnc (Cisco) support for GNOME NetworkManager applet—package NetworkManager-vpnc-gnome

10.5.3 SCPM Does Not Switch the Network Configuration

You are probably using SCPM together with NetworkManager. NetworkManager is not currently able to work with SCPM profiles. Do not use NetworkManager together with SCPM when SCPM profiles also change network settings. To use SCPM and NetworkManager at the same time, disable the network resource in SCPM configuration.

OpenSuSE 10 Quick Start Guide
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