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OpenSuSE 10 Quick Start Guide
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5.3 Managing Groups

With YaST you can also easily add, modify or delete groups.

Creating and Modifying Groups

  1. Open the YaST User and Group Management dialog in the Groups view.

  2. With Set Filter define the set of groups you want to manage. The dialog shows a list of groups in the system.

  3. To create a new group, click Add.

  4. To modify an existing group, select the group and click Edit.

  5. In the following dialog, enter or change the data. The list on the right shows an overview of all available users and system users which can be members of the group.

  6. To add existing users to a new group select them from the list of possible Group Members by checking the corresponding box. To remove them from the group just uncheck the box.

  7. Click Accept to apply your changes.

In order to delete a group, it must not contain any group members. To delete a group, select it from the list and click Delete. Click Expert Options > Write Changes Now to save all changes without exiting the administration dialog. Or click Finish to close the administration dialog and to save the changes.

OpenSuSE 10 Quick Start Guide
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