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OpenSuSE 10 Quick Start Guide
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2.1 Probing Your Hardware

Use YaST, if you want to know more about your hardware or if you need to find out details like vendor and model of a certain hardware to be able to properly configure it. Here and in the following sections we assume that you already started YaST (for example, by pressing Alt+F2 and entering yast2 followed by the root password, because YaST needs system administrator permissions to change the system files):

  1. In YaST click Hardware > Hardware Information. Hardware probings starts immediately and it will take some time until you see the hardware information tree in a separate window.

  2. In the hardware information tree recursively click on the plus icons to expand the information about a specific device.

  3. Click Close to leave the hardware information overview.

OpenSuSE 10 Quick Start Guide
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