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OpenSuSE 10 Quick Start Guide
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9.3 Cellular Phones and PDAs

A desktop system or a laptop can communicate with a cellular phone via Bluetooth or IrDA. Some models support both protocols and some only one of the two. The usage areas for the two protocols and the corresponding extended documentation has already been mentioned in Wireless Communication. The configuration of these protocols on the cellular phones themselves is described in their manuals. The configuration of the Linux side is described in Section 33.2, Bluetooth, (↑ Reference ) and Section 33.3, Infrared Data Transmission, (↑ Reference ).

The support for synchronizing with handheld devices manufactured by Palm, Inc., is already built into Evolution and Kontact. Initial connection with the device is, in both cases, easily performed with the assistance of a wizard. Once the support for Palm Pilots is configured, it is necessary to determine which type of data should be synchronized (addresses, appointments, etc.). For more information, see KDE User Guide and GNOME User Guide.

OpenSuSE 10 Quick Start Guide
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