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OpenSuSE 10 Quick Start Guide
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11.1 Scenarios

The following list provides a number of possible scenarios involving file transfer:

Different OS on the Same Computer

Many users have an operating system preinstalled by their vendor and run Linux in a separate partition. Refer to Section 11.3, Accessing Files on Different OS on the Same Computer for more information.

Different Computers Not Connected by a Network

Save the data to any media (CD, DVD, USB flash drive, or external hard disk) and connect these to the target machine to copy your files. This solution is inexpensive, intuitive, and straightforward. However, you need the appropriate drives or ports on both computers. Media are suited to occasional file transfers with limited file size. If you need a more permanent solution, consider connecting them with a network.

Different Computers Connected to the Same Network

Set up a server of any kind on one computer, connect the server and the client, and transfer the files from server to client. Choose from various protocols available and pick the one that best matches your needs and expertise.

The client/server setup requires more expertise and maintenance efforts, but is better suited to routine transfer needs and exchange with multiple systems. If you are looking for a permanent file exchange, choose a client/server-based method. This method does not impose any limits on the amount of data that can be transferred. See Section 11.2, Access Methods.

Different Computers on Different Networks

This scenario requires connection of different networks and is beyond the scope of this document. Transfer files as if the computers were not connected to a network.

OpenSuSE 10 Quick Start Guide
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