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OpenSuSE 10 Quick Start Guide
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Additional Documentation

We provide HTML and PDF versions of our books in different languages. The following manuals are available on this product:


Guides you through the installation and basic configuration of your system. For newcomers, the manual also introduces basic Linux concepts such as the file system, the user concept and access permissions and gives an overview of the features openSUSE offers to support mobile computing. Provides help and advice in troubleshooting.

KDE Quick Start

Gives a short introduction to the KDE desktop and some key applications running on it.

KDE User Guide

Introduces the KDE desktop of openSUSE and a variety of applications shipping with it. It guides you through using these applications and helps you perform key tasks. It is intended mainly for end users who want to make efficient use of KDE in everyday life.

GNOME Quick Start

Gives a short introduction to the GNOME desktop and some key applications running on it.

GNOME User Guide

Introduces the GNOME desktop of openSUSE and a variety of applications you will encounter when working with the GNOME desktop. It guides you through using these applications and helps you perform key tasks. It is intended mainly for end users who want to make efficient use of applications running on the GNOME desktop.


Gives you a general understanding of openSUSE and covers advanced system administration tasks. It is intended mainly for system administrators and home users with basic system administration knowledge. It provides detailed information about advanced deployment scenarios, administration of your system, the interaction of key system components and the set-up of various network and file services openSUSE offers.

Novell AppArmor Quick Start

Helps you understand the main concepts behind Novell® AppArmor.

Novell AppArmor Administration Guide

Contains in-depth information about the use of Novell AppArmor in your environment.

Lessons For Lizards

A community book project for the openSUSE distribution. A snapshot of the manual written by the open source community is released on an equal footing with the Novell/SUSE manuals. The lessons are written in a cook book style and cover more specific or exotic topics than the traditional manuals. For more information, see

Find HTML versions of the openSUSE manuals in your installed system under /usr/share/doc/manual or in the help centers of your KDE or GNOME desktop. You can also access the documentation on the Web at where you can download PDF or HTML versions of the manuals. For information where to find the books on your installation media, refer to the Release Notes of this product, available from your installed system under /usr/share/doc/release-notes/.

OpenSuSE 10 Quick Start Guide
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